[CIG-SHORT] PyLith 1.1.2: Suppressing output

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Fri May 16 08:50:41 PDT 2008

On Friday 16 May 2008, Tabrez Ali wrote:
> 1. With respect to example "../3d/hex8"
>     (b) Can we suppress all the output_t*vtk files from being generated

You can change the output settings to suppress any of the output. You can 
suppress all output if you want. There are two ways to suppress output, which 
depend on the what type of output you want to suppress.

To suppress output of the solution field over the domain or subdomains, set 
the array of output managers for the formulation to an empty array. For 

output = []

To suppress output for faults, materials, etc where an output manager is 
already specified, adjust the vertex_info_fields, vertex_data_fields, 
cell_info_fields, or cell_data_fields properties of the output manager as 
necessary. Simply omit the names of the fields you do not want included. An 
empty array will suppress all output for that type of field. For example,

# suppress all info output
vertex_info_fields = []
# limit data output to slip, omit change in tractions
vertex_data_fields = [slip]

To see the current list of fields that will be output for the fault output 
manager in the 3d/hex8 example,

pylith dislocation.cfg --timedependent.interfaces.fault.output.help-properties

Note: If you are getting output*vtk files, it means the filenames for the VTK 
files are not being set (output.vtk is the default filename).


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