[CIG-SHORT] general mesh optimization

Rebecca Bendick bendick at mso.umt.edu
Wed Jan 20 12:54:07 PST 2010

Hi, there.  I've successfully run all the 3d examples provided in the  
PyLith distribution, and I'm on to building my own problems, but  
without success.  I took the advice offered in the <embedded fault>  
thread and, rather than use a complicated input from LaGRIT, tried to  
modify the mesh from the tet4 example for a thrust problem.  I can  
build meshes that look fine, but they don't seem to meet the  
requirements of PyLith.  I've gotten a few different errors,  
especially ALE:Exception and the one below.  Is there some way to  
force LaGRIT or whatever mesher is being used to output a mesh that  
will work in PyLith?  Or, is there a thrust-fault example that I could  
use as a template to prevent geometry problems?


screen dump:

  File "/Users/buildbot/install/powerpc_darwin_single_nosched_binbot/ 
lib/python2.3/site-packages/pylith/feassemble/feassemble.py", line  
416, in initialize
RuntimeError: Determinant of Jacobian (2.08321e-08) for cell 74 is  
smaller than minimum permissible value (1e-06)!

/Users/rbk/pylith/pylith-1.4.2-darwin-powerpc/bin/nemesis: mpirun:  
exit 1
/Users/rbk/pylith/pylith-1.4.2-darwin-powerpc/bin/pylith: /Users/rbk/ 
pylith/pylith-1.4.2-darwin-powerpc/bin/nemesis: exit 1

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