[CIG-SHORT] general mesh optimization

Rebecca Bendick bendick at mso.umt.edu
Wed Jan 20 13:48:04 PST 2010

Thanks for the advice and the examples.  Just so I have a better sense  
of strategy, what do you do when a run does fail for meshing reasons?   
So, you advised me to start with a vertical fault, then change it to a  
dipping one.  If that single change makes pylith exit before  
calculating a solution, how would you refine the problem?  Using a  
finer mesh?  A tiny change to the geometry?  What kinds of changes  
work best?  For most dislocation problems that I can imagine, the  
fault geometry is pretty constrained by a priori slip inversions, or  
at least the moment tensor, so there isn't a whole lot of latitude to  
modify things to improve mesh characteristics.


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