[CIG-SHORT] Help with installing PyLith

Birendra Jha bjha at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 21 21:57:26 PDT 2010

Dear PyLith Developers,

I am trying to install Pylith for my work and have few questions. My goal is to
extend/modify the equations for physical processes that pylith models, e.g.
include effect of fluid flow on faulting, earthquake, include viscoplasticity 
etc. (Are any of these part of current/future pylith releases?)

My question is: what/how do I need to install Pylith on my PC (Windows XP 32bit)
so that I can modify the code, build and compile it?

I am reading the Pylith manual 1.5.0. I couldn't understand the difference
between "3.3 Installation from source" and "3.4 Installing from software
repository" due to my lack of knowledge about open source software. In

1. I downloaded Tortoise subversion and then checked out pylith code from
2. also downloaded and unzipped pylith-1.5.1.tgz
3. also installed from binary pylith-1.5.0-win-i686.exe. I ran few tutorial
tests and it is working fine. Just curious: when is pylith-1.5.1-win-i686.exe
coming out?
4. installed ParaView, Python 2.7, Compaq visual fortran 6, visual c++
5. went through CIG Short Mailing List Archive for last 5-6 months

I know I am a bit confused on how exactly to start. I think the installation
instructions in Sec 3.3 in pylith manual are relevant for me. Is that correct?

I would really appreciate your help and advice on this.

Thanks and best regards,

Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engg.

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