[CIG-SHORT] error in cubit for the 2D subduction zone example

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Wed Jun 22 11:53:19 PDT 2011


You can safely ignore the warning "Body 5 NOT closed". We are creating a 
2-D slice, so CUBIT is warning us that is not forming a closed volume.
I get this warning too.

Comparing the output you provided and the one that I get, the only 
difference that I see is that you have undo turned on. Try turning off 
undo and see if it fixes the problem.

I recall another user encountering an issue with CUBIT on a Mac during 
our tutorial at the EarthScope meeting. I think it was also related to 
the stitch command. I don't remember if we ever resolved the issue. We 
may need to seek help from the CUBIT developers.


OS version (output of About this Mac->More Info->Software (System 
version) Example: Mac OS X 10.6.7 (10J869)

CUBIT version (output of Cubit->About (version) Example: 13.0 Build 45743.

This will hopefully help us identify if this is tied to a specific 
operating system version or CUBIT build and provide the CUBIT developers 
with useful information.


On 06/22/2011 11:23 AM, David Bekaert wrote:
> Hi Brad,
> This is the error message I was referring to.
> I copied it into the attachment.
> It seems to be going well until the last couple of steps.
> I also ran the file from scratch without making changes, the messages
> however remain the same.
> A couple of questions Im left with:
> Why is Body 5 not closed?
> Why can it not find 'slabtop' while it was named before and used to make
> other surfaces, like e.g topobathy at A etc?
> Im using version 13.0 of Cubit on my mac.
> Thanks,
> David

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