[CIG-SHORT] error in cubit for the 2D subduction zone example

David Bekaert bekaertdavid at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 11:23:06 PDT 2011

Hi Brad,

This is the error message I was referring to.
I copied it into the attachment.
It seems to be going well until the last couple of steps.
I also ran the file from scratch without making changes, the messages
however remain the same.

A couple of questions Im left with:
Why is Body 5 not closed?
Why can it not find 'slabtop' while it was named before and used to make
other surfaces, like e.g topobathy at A etc?

Im using version 13.0 of Cubit on my mac.


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Journaled Command: undo on

CUBIT> cd '/Users/dbekaert/software/pylith/src/pylith/examples/2d/subduction'
Current directory is "/Users/dbekaert/software/pylith/src/pylith/examples/2d/subduction"

********** Now playing /Users/dbekaert/software/pylith/src/pylith/examples/2d/subduction/geometry.jou **********

CUBIT> # -*- Python -*- (syntax highlighting)
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
CUBIT> # Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
CUBIT> # Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
CUBIT> # This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
CUBIT> # for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
CUBIT> # Copyright (c) 2010-2011 University of California, Davis
CUBIT> # See COPYING for license information.
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # CUBIT journal file with geometry for 2-D subduction zone example
CUBIT> # based on the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku earthquake.
CUBIT> # We use the CUBIT support for APREPRO (the expressions in braces),
CUBIT> # which includes units and mathematical functions. See the APREPRO
CUBIT> # section in the appendix of the CUBIT documentation for more
CUBIT> # information.
CUBIT> # The steps in constructing the geometry are:
CUBIT> # (1) Create points
CUBIT> # (2) Connect the points into spline curves
CUBIT> # (3) Split the splines at intersections to form bounding curves
CUBIT> # (4) Form surfaces from the bounding curves
CUBIT> # Points have been projected from longitude/latitude into a local
CUBIT> # transverse Mercator projection. PyLith uses the Proj.4 library
CUBIT> # for geographic projections. The proj parameters are:
CUBIT> #   +proj=tmerc +datum=WGS84 +lon_0=142.0 +lat_0=38.0 +k=0.9996
CUBIT> # so that the local origin is at a longitude of 142.0 degrees (WGS84)
CUBIT> # and a latitude of 38.0 degrees (WGS84).
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # Set units to SI.
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # {Units('si')}
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # Reset geometry.
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> reset
Default CUBIT model file is '/Users/dbekaert/software/pylith/src/pylith/examples/2d/subduction/cubit01.cub'

Journaled Command: reset

CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # Create points and curves defining materials
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # Topography/bathymetry (points from Google Earth)
CUBIT> create vertex x { -600.0*km} y {-2000.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 1 (Vertex 1) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -600.0*km} y {-2000.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -439.1*km} y { -300.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 2 (Vertex 2) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -439.1*km} y { -300.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -351.2*km} y { -800.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 3 (Vertex 3) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -351.2*km} y { -800.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -263.4*km} y {    0.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 4 (Vertex 4) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -263.4*km} y { 0.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -175.6*km} y {  400.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 5 (Vertex 5) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -175.6*km} y { 400.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  -87.7*km} y {    0.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 6 (Vertex 6) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -87.7*km} y { 0.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x {    0.0*km} y { -400.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 7 (Vertex 7) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 0.0*km} y { -400.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x {   87.7*km} y {-3000.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 8 (Vertex 8) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 87.7*km} y {-3000.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  165.6*km} y {-6000.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 9 (Vertex 9) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 165.6*km} y {-6000.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  263.4*km} y {-5400.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 10 (Vertex 10) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 263.4*km} y {-5400.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  351.2*km} y {-5400.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 11 (Vertex 11) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 351.2*km} y {-5400.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  439.1*km} y {-5400.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 12 (Vertex 12) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 439.1*km} y {-5400.0*m}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  600.0*km} y {-5700.0*m}

Creation of Vertex 13 (Vertex 13) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 600.0*km} y {-5700.0*m}

CUBIT> create curve spline vertex 1 to 13
Preserving undo information...done

Creation of spline Curve 1 (Curve 1) Successful.
Journaled Command: create curve spline vertex 1 to 13

CUBIT> curve 1 name "topobathy"
Journaled Command: curve 1 name "topobathy"

CUBIT> # Top of slab
CUBIT> # Hayes and Wald, 2009
CUBIT> # http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/data/slab
CUBIT> create vertex x { -600.0*km} y {-340.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 14 (Vertex 14) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -600.0*km} y {-340.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -422.4*km} y {-240.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 15 (Vertex 15) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -422.4*km} y {-240.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -331.0*km} y {-180.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 16 (Vertex 16) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -331.0*km} y {-180.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -261.6*km} y {-140.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 17 (Vertex 17) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -261.6*km} y {-140.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -223.9*km} y {-120.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 18 (Vertex 18) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -223.9*km} y {-120.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -182.6*km} y {-100.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 19 (Vertex 19) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -182.6*km} y {-100.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x { -134.3*km} y {-80.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 20 (Vertex 20) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -134.3*km} y {-80.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  -74.6*km} y {-60.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 21 (Vertex 21) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -74.6*km} y {-60.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x {   -7.9*km} y {-40.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 22 (Vertex 22) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -7.9*km} y {-40.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x {   71.1*km} y {-20.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 23 (Vertex 23) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 71.1*km} y {-20.00*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  160.5*km} y {-7.50*km}

Creation of Vertex 24 (Vertex 24) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 160.5*km} y {-7.50*km}

CUBIT> create curve spline vertex 14 to 24 9
Preserving undo information...done

Creation of spline Curve 2 (Curve 2) Successful.
Journaled Command: create curve spline vertex 14 to 24 9

CUBIT> curve 2 name "slabtop"
Journaled Command: curve 2 name "slabtop"

CUBIT> # Bottom of slab (translate top of slab to the east)
CUBIT> # Better approach would be to move points normal to slab to preserve
CUBIT> # uniform thickness.
CUBIT> vertex 14 to 21 copy move X {120.0*km}
Created new Vertex 25
Created new Vertex 26
Created new Vertex 27
Created new Vertex 28
Created new Vertex 29
Created new Vertex 30
Created new Vertex 31
Created new Vertex 32
Vertex 25 moved 120000 0 0
Vertex 27 moved 120000 0 0
Vertex 32 moved 120000 0 0
Vertex 26 moved 120000 0 0
Vertex 29 moved 120000 0 0
Vertex 30 moved 120000 0 0
Vertex 28 moved 120000 0 0
Vertex 31 moved 120000 0 0
Journaled Command: vertex 14 to 21 copy move x {120.0*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  175.6*km} y {-40.0*km}

Creation of Vertex 33 (Vertex 33) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 175.6*km} y {-40.0*km}

CUBIT> create vertex x {  600.0*km} y {-40.0*km}

Creation of Vertex 34 (Vertex 34) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 600.0*km} y {-40.0*km}

CUBIT> create curve spline vertex 25 to 34
Preserving undo information...done

Creation of spline Curve 3 (Curve 3) Successful.
Journaled Command: create curve spline vertex 25 to 34

CUBIT> curve 3 name "slabbot"
Journaled Command: curve 3 name "slabbot"

CUBIT> # Top of mantle (uniform depth of 40 km)
CUBIT> create vertex x { -600.0*km} y {-40.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 35 (Vertex 35) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { -600.0*km} y {-40.00*km}

CUBIT> create curve spline vertex 35 22
Preserving undo information...done

Creation of Curve 4 (Curve 4) Successful.
Journaled Command: create curve spline vertex 35 22

CUBIT> curve 4 name "conmoho"
Journaled Command: curve 4 name "conmoho"

CUBIT> # Lateral edges and bottom boundary
CUBIT> create vertex x { 600.0*km} y {-340.00*km}

Creation of Vertex 36 (Vertex 36) Successful.
Journaled Command: create vertex x { 600.0*km} y {-340.00*km}

CUBIT> create curve spline vertex 1 35 14
New Vertex 37 was created at the location of
   Vertex 1 to be used for start of new curve.
New Vertex 38 was created at the location of
   Vertex 14 to be used for end of new curve.

Creation of spline Curve 5 (Curve 5) Successful.
Journaled Command: create curve spline vertex 1 35 14

CUBIT> curve 5 name "edgewest"
Journaled Command: curve 5 name "edgewest"

CUBIT> create curve spline vertex 38 25 36
New Vertex 39 was created at the location of
   Vertex 38 to be used for start of new curve.
Preserving undo information...done

Creation of spline Curve 6 (Curve 6) Successful.
Journaled Command: create curve spline vertex 38 25 36

CUBIT> curve 6 name "edgebot"
Journaled Command: curve 6 name "edgebot"

CUBIT> create curve spline vertex 13 34 36
New Vertex 40 was created at the location of
   Vertex 13 to be used for start of new curve.
New Vertex 41 was created at the location of
   Vertex 36 to be used for end of new curve.

Creation of spline Curve 7 (Curve 7) Successful.
Journaled Command: create curve spline vertex 13 34 36

CUBIT> curve 7 name "edgeeast"
Journaled Command: curve 7 name "edgeeast"

CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # Split curves to form bounding curves for each material
CUBIT> # Constructing the entire boundary curves as splines and then breaking
CUBIT> # them into pieces bounding the surfaces preserves continuity in slip.
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> split curve topobathy crossing curve slabtop
Preserving undo information...done
Journaled Command: split topobathy crossing slabtop

CUBIT> split curve slabtop crossing curve conmoho
Preserving undo information...done
Journaled Command: split slabtop crossing conmoho

CUBIT> split curve edgewest crossing curve conmoho
Preserving undo information...done
Journaled Command: split edgewest crossing conmoho

CUBIT> split curve edgebot crossing curve slabbot
Preserving undo information...done
Journaled Command: split edgebot crossing slabbot

CUBIT> split curve edgeeast crossing curve slabbot
Preserving undo information...done
Journaled Command: split edgeeast crossing slabbot

CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # Create surfaces using bounding curves
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # Continental crust
CUBIT> create surface curve topobathy edgewest conmoho slabtop at A
Preserving undo information...done

Creation of Surface 1 (Surface 1) Successful.
This is sheet body 1 (Body 1)
Journaled Command: create surface topobathy edgewest conmoho slabtop at A

CUBIT> surface 1 name "concrust"
Journaled Command: surface 1 name "concrust"

CUBIT> # Continental mantle
CUBIT> create surface curve conmoho edgewest at A slabtop
Preserving undo information...done

Creation of Surface 2 (Surface 2) Successful.
This is sheet body 2 (Body 2)
Journaled Command: create surface conmoho edgewest at A slabtop

CUBIT> surface 2 name "conmantle"
Journaled Command: surface 2 name "conmantle"

CUBIT> # Oceanic crust (slab)
CUBIT> create surface curve topobathy at A slabtop at A slabtop edgebot slabbot edgeeast
Preserving undo information...done

Creation of Surface 3 (Surface 3) Successful.
This is sheet body 3 (Body 3)
Journaled Command: create surface topobathy at A slabtop at A slabtop edgebot slabbot edgeeast

CUBIT> surface 3 name "oceancrust"
Journaled Command: surface 3 name "oceancrust"

CUBIT> # Oceanic mantle
CUBIT> create surface curve slabbot edgebot at A edgeeast at A
Preserving undo information...done

Creation of Surface 4 (Surface 4) Successful.
This is sheet body 4 (Body 4)
Journaled Command: create surface slabbot edgebot at A edgeeast at A

CUBIT> surface 4 name "oceanmantle"
Journaled Command: surface 4 name "oceanmantle"

CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> # Imprint/merge
CUBIT> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CUBIT> delete vertex all
Preserving undo information...done

Deleted 27 free vertices
Journaled Command: delete vertex all

CUBIT> imprint all
Preserving undo information...done
Group imprint finished.
IMPRINT completed.
Journaled Command: imprint all

CUBIT> merge all

...Merging all features in the model

...Merging all Surfaces in the model
Consolidated 0 pair of surfaces

...Merging all Curves in the model
Curve 3 and 21 consolidated
Curve 4 and 18 consolidated
Curve 10 and 20 consolidated
Curve 11 and 19 consolidated
Consolidated 4 curves

...Merging all Vertices in the model
Consolidated 0 pairs of vertices
All detected matches successfully merged
Journaled Command: merge all

CUBIT> # We must stitch the surfaces into a single volume in order to split
CUBIT> # the curves for the purpose of defining the discretization size along
CUBIT> # various portions of the curves.
CUBIT> stitch volume all
Preserving undo information...done
Created volume(s): 5
Destroyed volume(s): 1 to 4
Body 5 is NOT closed
Journaled Command: stitch volume all

CUBIT> # Split top of slab for fault surface
CUBIT> split curve slabtop distance {80.0*km} from end
ERROR: Unrecognized Identifier: 'slabtop'
ERROR: syntax error (<stdin>, line 146)
CUBIT> # Split topography/bathymetry to mimic same region as fault surface
CUBIT> # (used in setting discretization size)
CUBIT> split curve topobathy distance {190.0*km} from end
Preserving undo information...done
Updated volume(s): 5
Curve(s): 25 split into curve(s): 34 35 
Journaled Command: split topobathy distance {190.0*km} from end

CUBIT> # Split bottom of slab to mimic same region as fault surface
CUBIT> # (used in setting discretization size)
CUBIT> split curve slabbot distance {420.0*km} from end
ERROR: Unrecognized Identifier: 'slabbot'
ERROR: syntax error (<stdin>, line 152)
CUBIT> split curve slabbot distance {250.0*km} from end
ERROR: Unrecognized Identifier: 'slabbot'
ERROR: syntax error (<stdin>, line 153)
CUBIT> # End of file

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