[CIG-SHORT] output.vtk

Birendra jha bjha7333 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 30 16:12:53 PDT 2012

Dear developers,

How can I suppress output_t***.vtk, output_info.vtk files? I did not request them but they are still created at every timestep. They contain stress and total_strain fields over whole 3D grid and are huge.

My test.cfg file:



# We want an implicit formulation.
formulation = pylith.problems.Implicit

bc = [East,West,North,South,z_neg]

# Set gravity field (default is None)
#gravity_field = spatialdata.spatialdb.GravityField

# Set the output to an array of 2 output managers.
# We will output the solution over the domain and the ground surface.
output = [domain,subdomain]
#output = [domain]

# Set subdomain component to OutputSolnSubset (subset of domain).
output.subdomain = pylith.meshio.OutputSolnSubset

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# boundary conditions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -x face
bc_dof = [0,1]
label = West
db_initial.label = Dirichlet BC on West

# -y face
bc_dof = [0,1]
label = South
db_initial.label = Dirichlet BC on South

# +x face
bc_dof = [0,1]
label = East
db_initial.label = Dirichlet BC on East

# +y face
bc_dof = [0,1]
label = North
db_initial.label = Dirichlet BC on North

# -z face
bc_dof = [0,1,2]
label = z_neg
db_initial.label = Dirichlet BC on -z

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# output
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Give basename for VTK output of solution over domain.
# We specify that output occurs in terms of a given time frequency, and
# ask for output every 50 years.
output_freq = time_step
time_step = 10*day

filename = ../../../data/bjha/Lombardia.vtk
time_format = %04.1f ; Time stamp will be xxx.x with the "." removed.
time_constant = 10*day ; Normalize time stamp by years

# Give basename for VTK domain output of solution over ground surface.
label = z_pos ; Name of nodeset for subdomain
output_freq = time_step
time_step = 10*day
writer.filename = ../../../data/bjha/Lombardia-groundsurf.vtk
writer.time_format = %04.1f
writer.time_constant = 10*day

Thanks and best regards

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