[CIG-SHORT] unable to load _petsc

Jeff Dusenberry jdusenberry at whoi.edu
Fri Feb 17 07:46:26 PST 2012

Sorry, that earlier message got sent prematurely by accident.

Apologies for starting a new thread, I didn't seem to get the response 
to my earlier message but I saw it online.

I gone through a few iterations of trying to install with both the 
installer and from the tarballs.  The installation mentioned in the 
previous email was from the tarballs as it was the first case where I 
made it all the way through the process.  I'm still working on getting 
the installer to work (I'm stuck there on the error: 
merlin.UnknownExtra: pythia has no such extra feature 'mpi').

The file that it cannot load is not being created on my system:

 > The Python module that cannot be loaded is _petscmodule.so in
 > $PREFIX/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/pylith/utils.
> To test loading this module:
> python
> import pylith.utils._petsc

This import fails even when the PYTHONPATH is set correctly for 
$PREFIX/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION}/site-packages/.  I'll go back and 
look at the build to see if I can figure out why _petscmodule.so isn't 
being created.  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


Jeff Dusenberry                           email: jdusenberry at whoi.edu
Computer and Information Services, MS#46  phone: 508-289-3603
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution      tty:   508-289-3560
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1543

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