[CIG-SHORT] Pylith Windows binary problem

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Fri Jun 8 09:34:46 PDT 2012

On 06/07/2012 04:38 PM, f_orellana at berkeley.edu wrote:
>      I have downloaded Pylith 1.7.0 recently, I downloaded the Windows
> version and I ran the executable binary. The result is a big folder
> with several subfolders(bin,etc,lib,share,src,tmp,usr) plus several
> files.
>      I start running the code in the command windows(cygwin built), i tried
> with the examples:
>     When I ran, the program post the following error message:
>     ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import Traceback (most
> recent call last):
>     File "/usr/bin/pylith", line37, in<module>
>         from pylith.apps.PylithApp import PylithApp
>   and a bunch of almost identical messages for several lines, complaining
> and pointing to the directory /usr/lib/python 2.6/
> the last line is:
>      ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
>   My guess was that I had not actually built the software, because:
>     1) The folders /usr/bin/  and  /usr/lib/  are empty

The /usr/bin and /usr/lib folders will look empty when viewed in Windows 
Explorer. However, if you do "ls /usr/bin /usr/lib" in the PyLith cygwin 
terminal window, then you should see files in the directories.

>     2) In the src/pylith folder I can see a  Makefile, as i also see
> another on examples...
>     so, I thought I needed a program for executing make command on Windows
> platform.

No, you do not need to build PyLith if you are using the binary. The 
src/pylith directory contains all of the source code as well as the 
examples, so that users can look at the underlying code if they want.

>     Well, if you tell me that I really should not build and compile the
> software, and that only by running the binary (when the current bug
> gets fixed) the software should be TOTALLY BUILT automatically , i
> would be happy.

Most of the problems we have encountered on Windows systems is related 
to other software being installed that interferes with software included 
with PyLith, such as python. We should be able to find a workaround, but 
the solution depends on where the conflict arises.

Please try the following.

1. Run PyLith by double-clicking on the PyLith icon or selecting it in 
the Programs menu.

2. Do you see "PyLith v1.7.0" printed to the terminal window?

3. Type "echo $PATH". You should see

4. Type "echo $PYTHONPATH". You should see a blank line.

5. Type "which pylith". You should see

6. Type "which python". You should see

If any of these are different, please type "env >& env.log" and send us 
the env.log file.


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