[CIG-SHORT] Pylith Windows binary problem

f_orellana at berkeley.edu f_orellana at berkeley.edu
Thu Jun 7 16:38:09 PDT 2012

To the CIG programming staff:

  Hello you people,

    I am Felipe Orellana, a graduate student from UC Berkeley.

    I have downloaded Pylith 1.7.0 recently, I downloaded the Windows
version and I ran the executable binary. The result is a big folder
with several subfolders(bin,etc,lib,share,src,tmp,usr) plus several

    I start running the code in the command windows(cygwin built), i tried
with the examples:

   When I ran, the program post the following error message:

   ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import Traceback (most
recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/pylith", line37, in <module>
       from pylith.apps.PylithApp import PylithApp

 and a bunch of almost identical messages for several lines, complaining
and pointing to the directory /usr/lib/python 2.6/


the last line is:

    ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import

 My guess was that I had not actually built the software, because:

   1) The folders /usr/bin/  and  /usr/lib/  are empty


   2) In the src/pylith folder I can see a  Makefile, as i also see
another on examples...

   so, I thought I needed a program for executing make command on Windows

   Well, if you tell me that I really should not build and compile the
software, and that only by running the binary (when the current bug
gets fixed) the software should be TOTALLY BUILT automatically , i
would be happy.

  I hope my email be helpful,

best regards,
from Berkeley,CA


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