[CIG-SHORT] Dynamic faulting under gravity

Birendra jha bjha7333 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 19 21:36:35 PST 2012

Dear all

I have a relatively simple case of a slanted fault plane (along y axis) inside a layered box. I am using FaultCohesiveDyn with static friction model (please see the attached file). +x, -x boundaries are fixed in x,y directions and bottom is fixed in z direction. y faces are free.
I have gravity on and I use initial_stress.spatialdb with a density of 2400 kg/m3. 
The nonlinear solver is not converging. Can you please help? What am I missing? There are four thin layers in the grid sandwiched between thick layers above and below. Is that the problem?

I am using the Pylith 1.8.0 windows binary.

Thanks and regards
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