[CIG-SHORT] Dynamic faulting under gravity

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Tue Nov 20 08:58:09 PST 2012


The linear solve did not converge. If the linear solves within the 
nonlinear solve doesn't converge, the nonlinear solve won't converge. 
You are using ASM for the preconditioner. Try using the field split 
preconditioner with ML on the elastic part and the custom fault 
preconditioner. See examples/3d/tet4/step04 for PETSc settings.


On 11/19/2012 09:36 PM, Birendra jha wrote:
> Dear all
> I have a relatively simple case of a slanted fault plane (along y axis) inside a layered box. I am using FaultCohesiveDyn with static friction model (please see the attached file). +x, -x boundaries are fixed in x,y directions and bottom is fixed in z direction. y faces are free.
> I have gravity on and I use initial_stress.spatialdb with a density of 2400 kg/m3.
> The nonlinear solver is not converging. Can you please help? What am I missing? There are four thin layers in the grid sandwiched between thick layers above and below. Is that the problem?
> I am using the Pylith 1.8.0 windows binary.
> Thanks and regards
> Birendra

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