[CIG-SHORT] Velocity value for nodes on free surface

Christian Baillard baillard at ipgp.fr
Tue Nov 19 02:52:06 PST 2013


I'm in the 2d subduction case, on one the west side I impose 0 displacement for Mantle+Crust whether on the east side I impose 3.5 cm/yr for the crust (mantle fixed), see below.

# The creep rate and slip time are uniform, so use UniformDB for simplicity.
slip_rate = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
slip_rate.label = Slip rate
slip_rate.values = [left-lateral-slip, fault-opening]
slip_rate.data = [-3.5*cm/year, 0.0*cm/year]

When I check the velocities for the western bound of the crust I have velocities around 3 cm/year (the western bound is 250 km away from trench, I impose some locking patches for the subduction interface). Is that coherent to have this value of 3cm/yr instead of 3.5 cm/yr?

Best regards,



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