[CIG-SHORT] Not able to run dynamic fault (step11) with Pylith-1.9.0 installed from source

Birendra jha bjha7333 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 1 22:26:24 PDT 2013

Hi Pylith developers

I installed Pylith-1.9.0 using the installer on the pylith website. Installation was successful with no error messages except in the beginning when I ran configure I got a message about existing software: 

WARNING: Existing version of HDF5 installed. Found /usr/bin/h5dump
WARNING: Existing version of NetCDF installed. Found /usr/bin/ncdump

configure: error: "Configure failed due to conflict with existing software. Existing software may interfere with proper installation of PyLith, may be configured incorrectly for use with PyLith, or may have been built with incompatible compilers. Remove existing software (RECOMMENDED) or reconfigure with --enable-force-install to override error message. "

As per suggestion, I reran configure with --enable-force-install option, and it finished successfully along with 'make'.

I am able to run successfully all examples e.g. step01, step06 except examples with dynamic fault e.g. step11:

[bjha at login hex8]$ pylith step11.cfg 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/bjha/pylith-1.9.0/bin/pylith", line 39, in <module>
  File "/data/bjha/pylith-1.9.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pythia-", line 41, in start
  File "/data/bjha/pylith-1.9.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pythia-", line 125, in run
  File "/data/bjha/pylith-1.9.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pythia-", line 84, in applyConfiguration
    raise ValueError("%s\nBacktrace - Component %s" % (err.message, aliases))
ValueError: Error while configuring spatial database reader (simpleioascii, iohandler):
Filename for spatial database not specified.
Backtrace - Component simpleioascii, iohandler
Backtrace - Component simpledb, slip
Backtrace - Component stepslipfn, slip_function
Backtrace - Component eqkinsrc, rupture
Backtrace - Component singlerupture, eq_srcs
Backtrace - Component faultcohesivekin, fault
Backtrace - Component interfaces
Backtrace - Component timedependent, problem
Backtrace - Component pylithapp

Why is it saying faultcohesivekin when it is FaultCohesiveDyn in the step11.cfg? I am able to run this in my Pylith-1.8.0 copy.
Please help. 

Thanks and regards

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