[CIG-SHORT] X&Y coordinates in fault spatialdb files

Pierre Sakic pierre.sakic at univ-lr.fr
Tue Dec 9 05:56:07 PST 2014

Dear all,

I ask myself about the importance of the X parameters which define the
locked and unlocked zones in the fault.spatialdb files.

I'm working with a 2D model

Is it better to keep it at 0 and define the locked zone only with the Y (as
in the subduction example given), or is it more rigorous to find the right
X associated with each Y on the slab ?
Is there a risk of crash to keep the X = 0 ?

And another annex, question, do the Y boundary can be sharp like :

   y    slip

- 60  0.0
- 60 -2.0
or it have to be progressive :

   y    slip

- 60  0.0
- 70 -2.0

Thanks for your help,


Pierre Sakic
Chercheur Doctorant - Géodésie/Géophysique
Ingénieur Géomaticien
Labo. LIENSs - UMR 7266 - La Rochelle (FR)
Tel  : 0033 (0)5 46 50 76 54
Port : 0033 (0)6 82 70 81 43
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