[CIG-SHORT] X&Y coordinates in fault spatialdb files

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Tue Dec 9 07:30:11 PST 2014

On 12/9/14, 5:56 AM, Pierre Sakic wrote:
> Dear all,
> I ask myself about the importance of the X parameters which define the
> locked and unlocked zones in the fault.spatialdb files.
> I'm working with a 2D model
> Is it better to keep it at 0 and define the locked zone only with the Y
> (as in the subduction example given), or is it more rigorous to find the
> right X associated with each Y on the slab ?
> Is there a risk of crash to keep the X = 0 ?

This all depends on your geometry, the slope of the slab, and what is 
easiest. In some cases the mapp view (z=0 in 3-D or y=0 in 2-D) is 
easier. In other cases the plan view (vertical slice) is easier. If you 
are using linear interpolation and the fault strike and dip vary 
considerably, then linear interpolation in map or plan view may distort 
the slip distribution from what you want. In that case, you may need to 
use x and y in 2-D or x, y, and z in 3-D.

> And another annex, question, do the Y boundary can be sharp like :
> y slip
> - 60  0.0
> - 60 -2.0

Coincident points will generate an error. You need a small distance 
between them. So I usually do something like:

-60.00  0.0
-59.99 -2.0


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