[CIG-SHORT] statevarsvertex dof error

Birendra jha bjha7333 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 4 06:57:22 PDT 2014


I am trying to run the attached test case with one fault on Pylith, both v1.9 and v2.0.2, using windows binary. On version 2, I get the following error:

-- Initializing integrators.
v: 1600, dof: 1, stateVarsVetex: 2
assertion "stateVarsVertex.size() == dof" failed: file "friction/FrictionModel.c
c", line 235, function: virtual void pylith::friction::FrictionModel::initialize
(const pylith::topology::Mesh&, pylith::feassemble::Quadrature*)

On v1.9, it runs but the right corner node of the fault gets huge slip displacements, order of 5-10 m, and even when the boundaries of the box are fixed at 0 displacement, one of interior nodes just shoots out of the box (see it using Warp in paraview). I thought it is the fault approximation in v1.9 and earlier that is causing this, and fault edges get large tractions. However, I never had slip there, just unreal tractions.
I switched to v2 but I am not able to run it. Can you please suggest something?

Thanks and regards
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