[CIG-SHORT] Reg. Relax for Afterslip modeling

Dr. Mahesh N. Shrivastava mahesh.shrivastava at cigiden.cl
Tue Nov 3 13:38:37 PST 2015

Dear Sylvain Barbot,

Myself Mahesh Shrivastava, working in the Chile subduction zone region.

I am working for coseismic (PCAIM software) and postseismic as afterlsip
(would like Relax) distribution of the Illapel earthquake 2015.

But I have some confusion, please help me.

I used PCAIM to invert the GPS time series to model the coseismic slip
distribution. Now I would like model Afterlip distribution after one month
with Relax code.

But in Relaxed I noticed that it takes slip distribution, afterslip planes
and GPS coordinates. It generates the modeled GPS sites series, relaxed
displacement and other several files. But I do not understand what is the
parameters need to use to make best fit with observed GPS time series.

Please explain me.

Thanking you


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