[CIG-SHORT] Initial stress cell_data_fields settings and interpolation

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Mon Nov 9 08:08:26 PST 2015

On 11/9/15 7:29 AM, Chunyu Liu (cliu5) wrote:
> Hi Brad,
> Thank you for replying.
> Actually my initial stress data dimension is 3.
> When I change data-dim=3 and use linear interpolation, it works on
> SimpleGridDB but not in SimpleDB.
> However, SimpleDB works by using nearest interpolation.
> Any idea about it ?

Nearest interpolation just uses the nearest point. If the grid has the 
same resolution as the mesh, then this works fine. If your grid is at a 
coarser resolution than the mesh and your data is on a grid, then use 
SimpleGridDB as the interpolation algorithm is much more efficient.

SimpleDB in 3-D assumes a cloud of points and forms tetrahedra to do the 
interpolation, so it can give funny results for gridded data with large 
spatial variations.


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