[CIG-SHORT] Adding to the libraries

Ehsan Haghighat ehsanh at mit.edu
Sat Aug 5 14:55:34 PDT 2017

> It looks like you are trying to build PyLith using the installer and the PyLith tarball. Because the PyLith tarball includes the SWIG generated files, the installer doesn't configure PyLith to use SWIG when using the tarball. You should tell the installer to use the PyLith master branch; this will insure PyLith is configured so that it will use SWIG to generate the Python interface. See the DEVELOPER section of the INSTALL file in the PyLith installer for how to use --with-pylith-git=master.

I installed it from the master branch. It does now call the SWIG if needed. 

However, it seems the version of some of the files (meshio, for instance) are different from the released ones. Shouldn’t be the same version as the installer provides? If no, how can I get exactly the ones that are released?

I also got this error; however, the app seems running properly

   PyLith 2.2.0: tests_auto/eqinfo/test-suite.log

# TOTAL: 1
# PASS:  0
# SKIP:  0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL:  1
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0

.. contents:: :depth: 2

FAIL: test_eqinfo.py

test_stats (TestEqInfoLine.TestEqInfoLine) ... ERROR
test_stats (TestEqInfoTri3.TestEqInfoTri3) ... ERROR
test_stats (TestEqInfoQuad4.TestEqInfoQuad4) ... ERROR

ERROR: test_stats (TestEqInfoLine.TestEqInfoLine)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ehsanhaghighat/dev-est/build/pylith/pylith-master/tests_auto/eqinfo/TestEqInfoLine.py", line 53, in test_stats
    import stats_line
ImportError: No module named stats_line

ERROR: test_stats (TestEqInfoTri3.TestEqInfoTri3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ehsanhaghighat/dev-est/build/pylith/pylith-master/tests_auto/eqinfo/TestEqInfoTri3.py", line 53, in test_stats
    import stats_tri3
ImportError: No module named stats_tri3

ERROR: test_stats (TestEqInfoQuad4.TestEqInfoQuad4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ehsanhaghighat/dev-est/build/pylith/pylith-master/tests_auto/eqinfo/TestEqInfoQuad4.py", line 53, in test_stats
    import stats_quad4
ImportError: No module named stats_quad4

Ran 3 tests in 0.050s

FAILED (errors=3)
FAIL test_eqinfo.py (exit status: 1)

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