[CIG-SHORT] Missing library

Ehsan Haghighat ehsanh at mit.edu
Thu Aug 10 06:35:46 PDT 2017

Hi Brad and Matt,

I am writing to know if you ever faced following error/message:

Field Initialization ----------
/nobackup1/ehsanhaghighat/dev7/pylith/bin/mpinemesis: symbol lookup error: /cm/shared/engaging/intel/intel-2013_sp1.0.080/composer_xe_2013_sp1.0.080/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_vml_avx2.so: undefined symbol: mkl_serv_allocate

As I mentioned before, I am using our group code. It is coupled with an external simulator for reservoir flow. After installing the pylith, I merge the added code, and call “ make “ + “make install” from build folder. The flow simulator needs some additional libraries from MKL. Therefore, I add the location of those libraries and include paths to CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS before calling make. After that, I call make. 

The compilation finishes without any issue. It also reads the cfg file properly, however, it stops after first solve call with above message. Do you have any idea why this is happening?I do not follow how mpinemesis can get connected to the mkl routines as it is a pylith library. 

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