[CIG-SHORT] question about overlapping node in different faults

Li, Teng tengli2 at illinois.edu
Wed Mar 29 22:15:02 PDT 2017

Thanks! I think I just made a mistake in the email. However, it is correct in the .cfg file.
Please see the following text:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# journal
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Turn on some journals to show progress.
pylithapp = 1
timedependent = 1
explicit = 1
pets = 1
meshiocubit = 1
explicitelasticity = 1
quadrature2d = 1
fiatlagrange = 1
faultcohesivedyn = 1
pylithapp = 1
problem = 1
explicit = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# mesh_generator
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# uncomment to get very verbose mesh information
#debug = 1

# Change the default mesh reader to the CUBIT reader.
reader = pylith.meshio.MeshIOCubit
#refiner = pylith.topology.RefineUniform
# Set filename of mesh to read and dimension for coordinate system.
filename =inter.exo
coordsys.space_dim = 2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# problem
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the spatial dimension of the problem.
dimension = 2

# Change to an explicit time stepping formulation with no elastic prestep.
formulation = pylith.problems.Explicit
elastic_prestep = False

# Nondimensionalize problem using wave propagation parameters.
normalizer = spatialdata.units.NondimElasticDynamic
normalizer.shear_wave_speed = 1.0*km/s

# Set bc to an array with 4 boundary conditions: 'x_neg', 'x_pos', 'y_neg', and 'y_pos'
bc = [x_pos,x_neg,y_neg,y_pos,]

# Set interfaces to an array with 3 faults: 'fault' 'fault1' 'fault2'.
interfaces = [fault,fault1]

# Set materials to an array with 1 material 'elastic'.
materials = [elastic]

# Set the total time of the simulation and the time step.
total_time = 2.0*s
dt = 0.001*s
# This is not a self-contained simulation configuration file. This
# file only specifies the general parameters common to the dynamic
# fault (friction interface) simulations in this directory.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# materials
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use elastic plane strain bulk constitutive model.
elastic = pylith.materials.ElasticPlaneStrain


# Label for material
label = Elastic material

# Nodeset id from CUBIT
id = 1

# Spatial database with physical properties for elastic material
db_properties.label = Elastic properties
db_properties.iohandler.filename = matprops.spatialdb

# Set the basis functions and quadrature:
# 2-D Lagrange cell with 2nd order quadrature
quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange
quadrature.cell.dimension = 2
quadrature.cell.quad_order = 2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# boundary conditions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Change the default Dirichlet BC to the AbsorbingDampers BC
x_pos = pylith.bc.AbsorbingDampers
x_neg = pylith.bc.AbsorbingDampers
y_neg = pylith.bc.AbsorbingDampers
y_pos = pylith.bc.AbsorbingDampers

# x positive
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Absorbing BC on +x face of bar

# Name of nodeset in CUBIT
label = face_xpos

# Specify label and filename for spatial database with physical properties
db.label = Absorbing BC +x
db.iohandler.filename = matprops.spatialdb

# Specify the basis functions and quadrature:
# 1-D Lagrange cell in 2-D space with 2nd order quadrature
quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange
quadrature.cell.dimension = 1
quadrature.cell.quad_order = 2

# x negative
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Absorbing BC on -x face of bar

# Name of nodeset in CUBIT
label = face_xneg

# Specify label and filename for spatial database with physical properties
db.label = Absorbing BC -x
db.iohandler.filename = matprops.spatialdb

# Specify the basis functions and quadrature:
# 1-D Lagrange cell in 2-D space with 2nd order quadrature
quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange
quadrature.cell.dimension = 1
quadrature.cell.quad_order = 2

# y negative
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Absorbing BC on -y face of bar

# Name of nodeset in CUBIT
label = face_yneg

# Specify label and filename for spatial database with physical properties
db.label = Absorbing BC -y
db.iohandler.filename = matprops.spatialdb

# Specify the basis functions and quadrature:
# 1-D Lagrange cell in 2-D space with 2nd order quadrature
quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange
quadrature.cell.dimension = 1
quadrature.cell.quad_order = 2

# y positive
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Absorbing BC on +y face of bar

# Name of nodeset in CUBIT
label = face_ypos

# Specify label and filename for spatial database with physical properties
db.label = Absorbing BC +y
db.iohandler.filename = matprops.spatialdb

# Specify the basis functions and quadrature:
# 1-D Lagrange cell in 2-D space with 2nd order quadrature
quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange
quadrature.cell.dimension = 1
quadrature.cell.quad_order = 2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# faults
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# fault
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Change fault to dynamic fault interface.
fault = pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveDyn
fault1 = pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveDyn
# fault2 = pylith.faults.FaultCohesiveDyn


# Material id
id = 100

# Name of nodeset from CUBIT
label = fault
edge  = inter

# Specify the basis functions and quadrature:
# 1-D Lagrange cell in 2-D space with 2nd order quadrature
quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange
quadrature.cell.dimension = 1
quadrature.cell.quad_order = 2

# slip-weakening friction
friction = pylith.friction.SlipWeakening
friction.label = Slip weakening

# Set the slip-weakening friction model parameters.
#  static coefficient of friction: 0.6
#  dynamic coefficient of friction: 0.3
#  slip-weakening parameter: 0.2 m
#  cohesion: 0 Pa
friction.db_properties = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
friction.db_properties.label = Slip weakening
friction.db_properties.values = [static-coefficient,dynamic-coefficient,slip-weakening-parameter,cohesion]
friction.db_properties.data = [0.6,0.3,0.2*m,0.0*Pa]
# Specify the initial tractions and a temporal perturbation on the
# fault using a uniform DB.
# Initial
#   shear: 75.0 MPa (right-lateral)
#   normal 120 MPa (compressive)
# Perturbation
#   shear: 25.0 MPa (right-lateral)
traction_perturbation = pylith.faults.TractPerturbation

#db_initial = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
#db_initial.label = Initial fault tractions
#db_initial.values = [traction-shear,traction-normal]
#db_initial.data = [-75.0*MPa, -120.0*MPa]
db_initial = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
db_initial.label = Initial fault tractions

# Spatial database with physical properties for elastic material
db_initial.iohandler.filename = traction.spatialdb
#db_change = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
#db_change.label = Traction perturbation
#db_change.values = [traction-shear,traction-normal,change-start-time]
#db_change.data = [-25.0*MPa, 0.0*MPa, 0.0*s]
#th_change = spatialdata.spatialdb.TimeHistory
#th_change.label = Traction perturbation time history
#th_change.filename = traction_change.timedb

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# fault1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Material id
 id = 101

# Name of nodeset from CUBIT
label = fault1
edge =inter

# Specify the basis functions and quadrature:
# 1-D Lagrange cell in 2-D space with 2nd order quadrature
quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange
quadrature.cell.dimension = 1
quadrature.cell.quad_order = 2

# slip-weakening friction
friction = pylith.friction.SlipWeakening
friction.label = Slip weakening

# Set the slip-weakening friction model parameters.
#  static coefficient of friction: 0.6
#  dynamic coefficient of friction: 0.3
#  slip-weakening parameter: 0.2 m
#  cohesion: 0 Pa
 friction.db_properties = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
 friction.db_properties.label = Slip weakening
 friction.db_properties.values = [static-coefficient,dynamic-coefficient,slip-weakening-parameter,cohesion]
 friction.db_properties.data = [0.6,0.3,0.2*m,0.0*Pa]
# Specify the initial tractions and a temporal perturbation on the
# fault using a uniform DB.
# Initial
#   shear: 75.0 MPa (right-lateral)
#   normal 120 MPa (compressive)
# Perturbation
#   shear: 25.0 MPa (right-lateral)
 traction_perturbation = pylith.faults.TractPerturbation

#db_initial = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
#db_initial.label = Initial fault tractions
#db_initial.values = [traction-shear,traction-normal]
#db_initial.data = [-75.0*MPa, -120.0*MPa]
 db_initial = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
 db_initial.label = Initial fault1 tractions

# Spatial database with physical properties for elastic material
 db_initial.iohandler.filename = traction1.spatialdb
#db_change = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
#db_change.label = Traction perturbation
#db_change.values = [traction-shear,traction-normal,change-start-time]
#db_change.data = [-25.0*MPa, 0.0*MPa, 0.0*s]
#th_change = spatialdata.spatialdb.TimeHistory
#th_change.label = Traction perturbation time history
#th_change.filename = traction_change.timedb

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# fault2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# [pylithapp.timedependent.interfaces.fault2]

# Material id
# id = 102

# Name of nodeset from CUBIT
# label = fault2

# Specify the basis functions and quadrature:
# 1-D Lagrange cell in 2-D space with 2nd order quadrature
# quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange
# quadrature.cell.dimension = 1
# quadrature.cell.quad_order = 2

# slip-weakening friction
# friction = pylith.friction.SlipWeakening
# friction.label = Slip weakening

# Set the slip-weakening friction model parameters.
#  static coefficient of friction: 0.6
#  dynamic coefficient of friction: 0.5
#  slip-weakening parameter: 0.2 m
#  cohesion: 0 Pa
# friction.db_properties = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
# friction.db_properties.label = Slip weakening
# friction.db_properties.values = [static-coefficient,dynamic-coefficient,slip-weakening-parameter,cohesion]
# friction.db_properties.data = [0.6,0.5,0.2*m,0.0*Pa]
# Specify the initial tractions and a temporal perturbation on the
# fault using a uniform DB.
# Initial
#   shear: 75.0 MPa (right-lateral)
#   normal 120 MPa (compressive)
# Perturbation
#   shear: 25.0 MPa (right-lateral)
# traction_perturbation = pylith.faults.TractPerturbation

# [pylithapp.timedependent.interfaces.fault2.traction_perturbation]
#db_initial = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
#db_initial.label = Initial fault tractions
#db_initial.values = [traction-shear,traction-normal]
#db_initial.data = [-75.0*MPa, -120.0*MPa]
# db_initial = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
# db_initial.label = Initial fault2 tractions

# Spatial database with physical properties for elastic material
# db_initial.iohandler.filename = traction2.spatialdb
#db_change = spatialdata.spatialdb.UniformDB
#db_change.label = Traction perturbation
#db_change.values = [traction-shear,traction-normal,change-start-time]
#db_change.data = [-25.0*MPa, 0.0*MPa, 0.0*s]
#th_change = spatialdata.spatialdb.TimeHistory
#th_change.label = Traction perturbation time history
#th_change.filename = traction_change.timedb

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# PETSc summary -- useful for performance information.
log_summary = true

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# output
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
output = [domain]
#----Domain velocity
vertex_data_fields = [displacement,velocity]
skip= 10
#writer = pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5
writer.filename = output/domain.vtk

vertex_info_fields = []
vertex_data_fields = [slip,slip_rate,traction]
writer = pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5
skip = 0
writer.filename = output/fault.h5

# [pylithapp.problem.interfaces.fault1.output]
# vertex_info_fields = []
# vertex_data_fields = [slip,slip_rate,traction]
# writer = pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5
# skip = 0
# writer.filename = output/fault1.h5

# [pylithapp.problem.interfaces.fault2.output]
# vertex_info_fields = []
# vertex_data_fields = [slip,slip_rate,traction]
# writer = pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5
# skip = 0
# writer.filename = output/fault2.h5

cell_info_fields = []
cell_data_fields = [stress]
cell_filter = pylith.meshio.CellFilterAvg
writer.filename = ouptut/material.vtk

Teng Li

Master Candidate in Structures

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

205 North Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL. 61801

Phone:(217)8196210, Email: tengli2 at illinois.edu

From: CIG-SHORT [cig-short-bounces at geodynamics.org] on behalf of Charles Williams [willic3 at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:03 PM
To: cig-short at geodynamics.org
Subject: Re: [CIG-SHORT] question about overlapping node in different faults

I’m not sure if this is your problem, but in the text below you misspelled ‘friction’ when defining SlipWeakening.  It would help to see your entire .cfg file, along with the entire error message.


On 30/03/2017, at 1:50 PM, Li, Teng <tengli2 at illinois.edu<mailto:tengli2 at illinois.edu>> wrote:

I created 2 faults, and they intersect at one node. And then I create a group name "inter" and add this node. Then I create anodeset named "inter" and add the above group. Finally, in the script, I did in this way:
And I put
for both fault and fault1.

And in the script, I used:
friction= pylith.frition.SlipWeakening
friction.label = Slip weakening
for both fault and fault1.

After running, I get the error message:
pyre.inventory (error)
 -- 'friction.label'

Teng Li

Master Candidate in Structures

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

205 North Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL. 61801

Phone:(217)8196210, Email: tengli2 at illinois.edu<mailto:tengli2 at illinois.edu>

CIG-SHORT mailing list
CIG-SHORT at geodynamics.org<mailto:CIG-SHORT at geodynamics.org>

Charles Williams I Geodynamic Modeler
GNS Science I Te Pῡ Ao
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Ph 0064-4-570-4566 I Mob 0064-22-350-7326 I Fax 0064-4-570-4600
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