[CIG-ALL] Correction to CIG-ALL newsletter - New members of SSC

Ariel Shoresh ariel at geodynamics.org
Fri Nov 18 10:52:13 PST 2011

Morning everyone, 

In my enthusiasm to announce our good news, I neglected to add the newly
elected members of the SSC. My apologies.

They are:

Jon Aurnou (UCLA) geodynamo focus,  Jed Brown (Argonne) computation,  Roger
Buck (Lamont Doherty Lab/Columbia)Mantle/Solid Earth,  and Carl Tape,
seismsology (University of Alaska- Fairbanks).

They join Marc Spiegelman, Magali Billen, Garrett Ito, Nadia Lapusta and
Peter Van Keken on the committee.

Thanks to Andy Freed for alerting me!

Ariel Shoresh
Administrator, Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
ariel at geodynamics.org

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