[CIG-LONG] Visualization with SNAC, how do I know how the mesh was decomposed?

Mark Fleharty mark.fleharty at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 11:59:11 PST 2009


I'm trying to visualize some output from Snac.  The output is from
cookbook1.xml which has a mesh of 21x6x41.  I've run it on 40
processors and now I'm trying to convert it to VTK format.

I ran:
snac2vtk 20 5 40 4 1 8          (I was unsure how the subdivision
would actually happen here)
This produced the vts, and pvts files, but when I read them in
paraview I get a complaint:
>following extents:
>    0 19  0 4  8 39
>The UpdateExtent cannot be filled.

Any ideas?



Mark Fleharty
+1 505 217-2089

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