[CIG-MC] running citcoms using pbs scheduler

CLINT CONRAD clintc at hawaii.edu
Fri Mar 12 16:32:48 PST 2010


I am setting up some CitcomS runs on a new shared system.  We are  
required to submit jobs using the pbs system in a slightly different  
way than I have done before. Specifically, we have to submit an  
account number using
#PBS -A accountnumber
It seems that -A is not included in the job or scheduler options that  
you can set in the Citcom.cfg file.
(the available options are: name, queue, walltime, stdin, stdout, and  
stderr). Is there an easy way to run citcom using pbs scheduler
that allows me to input the account? I've pasted a sample pbs script  
below for running on this system.

Thanks in advance for any help!

# 10 minute wall time
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
# selecting 2 nodes = 2 * 4 = 8 processors for use, mpiprocs needs to  
equal ncpus and doesn't exceed 4
#PBS -l select=2:mpiprocs=4:ncpus=4
# scatter required
#PBS -l place=scatter
# account required

echo "RUNNING ON: `/usr/bin/uniq $PBS_NODEFILE`"
# note you must use mpirun_jaws to submit MPI jobs on our cluster
mpirun_jaws ./my_openmpi_executable

Clint Conrad              Assistant Professor
Dept. Geology & Geophysics,  SOEST,  804 POST
Univ. Hawaii at Manoa        ph: 808-956-6649
1680 East-West Road         fax: 808-956-5154
Honolulu, HI 96822          clintc at hawaii.edu

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