[CIG-MC] I Need Your Help

mohammad shahrad modaeirah at gmail.com
Thu May 15 03:44:47 PDT 2014

Dear administrator
      Lots of thanks for accessible free source and manual of CitcomS
and all of your products and best regards to your scientific and
developer team.I am student of M.Sc Physics -Geodynamics in Iran and
my thesis title is " Heat transfer theory in the Earth with
temperature dependent viscosity condition and formation of Lithosphere
", so I want to solve the partial differential equations of
mass,momentum,energy in the first steps on my work. We would like to
do it even in 2D. I have found CitcomS as you and your respectful team
had done it absolutely brilliant. Could you please Help me about the
following questions and guide me in my work:

 1- There is a 24 core PC,Can I run CitcomS with it?or Could you tell
me if I would run it on such system how long does it take to have some
reasonable data for each time?

 2- Can I use CitcomS as a software to have the proper results with
such a processor or in related on my thesis? Other softwares of yours
can help me too?

 3- Could you please help me with other references in addition to the manual?

With Lots of Respects


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