[CIG-SEISMO] questions for Mineos

Walter Landry walter at geodynamics.org
Mon Jan 24 01:30:22 PST 2011

"Xiuxiu Xue" <xuexiuxiu09 at mails.gucas.ac.cn> wrote:
> Dear Professor ,
>    I am one user of your powerful software Mineos. Now, I would like to
> consult you on some questions. 
>    In page 20 of Mineos User Manual , it says that "ifanis = 1 for an
> anisotropic (transversely isotropic) model, = 0 for isotropic." However, in
> page 21, it says "If the model is isotropic, ifanis = 1 and minos_bran reads
> and changes the values of vph, vsh and eta field in the following way: vph =
> vpv; vsh = vsv, and eta = 1."
> I found they are inconsistent. I don't know if I misunderstand it , could
> you please give me some explanation.

The documentation is inconsistent.  Thank you for finding that.  The
first one is correct.  So to get an isotropic model, set ifanis=0.  To
get an anisotropic model, set ifanis=1.  I have corrected the
documentation in the repository.

> And the parameter ifanis in the models in your software is set to be 1, and
> vph = vpv; vsh = vsv, eta = 1. However, code in mineos.f , there is "
> if(ifanis.eq.0) then
>       do i=1,n
>         vph(i)=vpv(i)
>         vsh(i)=vsv(i)
>         eta(i)=1.d0  "
> According to my understanding , if ifanis=1 ,then it is anisotropic, and if
> ifanis=0, it is isotropic, isn't it? If so, the models in the software are
> isotropic ,and ifanis should be set to be 0, right?
> If so, I would appreciate it if you can provide anisotropic models to me? 

The models provided in the DEMO/models directory are all anisotropic.

Walter Landry
walter at geodynamics.org

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