[CIG-SEISMO] problem to read external velocity model

Obermann Anne Christine anne.obermann at sed.ethz.ch
Wed Sep 12 01:19:15 PDT 2018

Dear Specfem developers,

Using the new version of SPECFEM2D Cartesian 7.0, we encounter a problem reading an external velocity model.
Attached, we send you two files, OLD_Model worked well with the older specfem releases (6.1) and the NEW_Model is an example we found for the new version on your site. The structure of the files is apparently different.

We have trouble understanding the NEW_Model structure. The counter on the left is interrupted at several occasions (1:25, followed by 5 etc). Could you please let us know what this column represents?

Which option do we have to choose in the Par_file? (external or legacy?)

Thank you very much!
Anne and Pilar

Dr. Anne Obermann
Senior Researcher
Swiss Seismological Service
ETH, NO H63, Sonneggstrasse 5, CH-8092 Zurich
Tel. +41446337647
anne.obermann at sed.ethz.ch<mailto:anne.obermann at sed.ethz.ch>

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