[CIG-SHORT] using a batch system

lf1981 at mail.ustc.edu.cn lf1981 at mail.ustc.edu.cn
Mon Apr 19 09:02:56 PDT 2010

Dear sir :
  Thanks for you advices. I am sorry to tell you that I had submitted a bad report that count for nothing last time, because my version of Batch system is x86_64 ,but i installed the  pylith-1.4.2-i686 on my Batch system. So when i try to run with a Batch system ,some unfriendliness message troubled me. this time,I installed pylith-1.4.2-linux-x86_64 which suitable for my Batch system as the instructions of User Manual.  I placed the distribution in the directory of /home/hjs/lf/pylith and reset the .bashrc file as follows:

export PATH=$PATH:/home/hjs/lf/pylith/pylith-1.4.2-linux-x86_64/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/home/hjs/yangan/citcoms/CitcomS-3.1.1/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/hjs/lf/pylith/pylith-1.4.2-linux-x86_64/lib:/home/hjs/lf/pylith/pylith-1.4.2-linux-x86_64/opt/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-cxx-opt/lib
export PYTHONPATH=$PATH:/home/hjs/lf/pylith/pylith-1.4.2-linux-x86_64/lib/python2.5/site-packages

  To check whether it run successfully without a Batch System, I didn't creat the ~/.pyre/pylithapp/pylithapp.cfg file, Just running a case of the example which is a self-contained package. It is running successfully.
  Then,I want it run with a Batch System,so I created a ~/.pyre/pylithapp/pylithapp.cfg file which contained as follows:

launcher =mpich
qsub-options = [-a mpich_gm ]
  When I try to run a case in the self-contained package with a Batch System, for example in the directory of /home/hjs/lf/pylith/pylith-1.4.2-linux-x86_64/src/pylith/examples/3d/tet4, I run pylith dislocation.cfg--nodes=4 --macros.nodes=4 --macros.job.name=dislocation.cfg

The  STDIN.e2784 file which contained the debug message showed as follows:
/home/hjs/lf/pylith/pylith-1.4.2-linux-x86_64/bin/nemesis: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I forgot to tell you that the version of Python on my Batch Systerm is Python 2.3.4, and because the Pylith I installed is binary ,I had not installed other version of Python. Can you see any problems with what I've done and show me how to settle it. Thanks for your help 

                                                                                               Sincerely  Fengli

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