[CIG-SHORT] writing to output_points

Rowena Lohman rolohman at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 12:14:31 PDT 2012

Good afternoon,

I'm trying to expand on the greens function example in the 2D/strike
slip example directory, and have been successful except for one issue
- writing output.  I switched to 3D for my example and believe I have
made the correct changes to the rest of the cfg and fault impulse
files since I get no errors until the end.  Note that the grid I'm
using is pretty coarse at this point - I'm just trying to get it to
run to completion.

Here's what happens at the writing stage:  If I use a SMALL number of
output points (15 or less), it works fine.  However, if I use any
larger number I get the following error:

mpinemesis(21991) malloc: *** error for object 0x1054a5c34: pointer
being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
[0]0:Return code = 0, signaled with Abort trap: 6

I THINK I've included everything such that pylith
--problem=pylith.problems.GreenFns should work.  Do I just need to
figure out how to adjust the input cfg files to go back with just
writing to one of the domains?  I can do the interpolation myself
later, but thought it would be nice to use the pylith output points
version if possible.


Rowena Lohman
Assistant Professor
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Snee Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph: 607-255-6929
fax: 607-254-4780
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 -50.0  -50.0 0.0
 -50.0  -40.0 0.0
 -50.0  -30.0 0.0
 -50.0  -20.0 0.0
 -50.0  -10.0 0.0
 -50.0    0.0 0.0
 -50.0   10.0 0.0
 -50.0   20.0 0.0
 -50.0   30.0 0.0
 -50.0   40.0 0.0
 -50.0   50.0 0.0
 -40.0  -50.0 0.0
 -40.0  -40.0 0.0
 -40.0  -30.0 0.0
 -40.0  -20.0 0.0
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