[CIG-SHORT] (no subject)

BOK10 at pitt.edu BOK10 at pitt.edu
Fri Oct 26 10:45:25 PDT 2012

So, the time steps are being written fine, it's the time stamps in the
output itself. I have the results being output as vtk files. In version
1.7 I was getting estimates of ~50 years greater than in version 1.8
before slip began. The problem I was mentioning isn't with the output
files, but with the results.


> Bobak,
> What do you mean by different time stamps? Are you seeing different time
> steps being written to stdout or different time stamps in the output? If
> it is in the output, which type of output are you using and which files
> have different time stamps.
> I ran examples/3d/hex8/step12.cfg with both v1.7.1 and v1.8.0 and the
> differences are essentially negligible.
> Brad
> On 10/26/2012 10:03 AM, BOK10 at pitt.edu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm running a simulation similar to step12 (section of the
>> PyLith
>> manual) with PyLith 1.8. I've also run the same model in PyLith 1.7. I
>> was
>> looking to see how long it took get slip of greater than some amount on
>> the fault, but the same model/setup run in 1.7 vs 1.8 are resulting in
>> different time-stamps. Was there a fix that caused this change?
>> Bobak Karimi
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