[CIG-SHORT] HD5F output error

Ma, Xiao xiaoma5 at illinois.edu
Mon Jun 30 14:10:29 PDT 2014

I am having some problem on writng output files in HDF5 Fomat.Here is the error messagae.
TypeError: in method 'SubMeshOutputManager_writer', argument 2 of type 'pylith::
meshio::DataWriter< pylith::topology::SubMesh,pylith::topology::Field< pylith::t
opology::SubMesh > > *const'
I am using the following code to output the information on the fault surface in HDF5 Fomat

writer = pylith.meshio.DataWriterHDF5Mesh
vertex_data_fields = [slip,slip_rate,traction]
Can you help me what is wrong?
Best wishes,
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