[CIG-SHORT] Uniform time-stepping for long runs on viscoelastic domain (Brad Aagaard)

Michal Dichter mdichter at unm.edu
Sun Jun 7 12:00:44 PDT 2015

Dear Brad,

Thank you for your response. I do have some concerns about the PyLith "counter" deviating so far from the requested total time. Here is what I have observed for a uniform time-step of 0.1 years, requesting output to be written every 1.0 years:

total_time = 5.0 years :: Code runs perfectly, outputs 5 files (one per year, as requested)

total_time = 100.0 years :: Code runs to completion, but only outputs 95 files (not 100, as requested)

total_time = 500.0 years :: Code runs great for 99% of run and then gets stuck forever (forever = no progress after 24 hours)

I am pretty sure that PyLith is not busy calculating state variables for the "long run" that gets stuck, as this process takes no more than a couple of seconds to minutes for the cases of total_time = 5.0 and 100.0 years. The file sizes I'm dealing with are not large, a couple hundred MB.

Can you offer any insight as to why the counter deviates so much? Is it possible that this is causing the 500-year long run to get stuck?

If so, what can I do to address the problem? The fact that the 100-year run (the "intermediate" case between a total_time that runs perfectly and one that doesn't run at all) only outputs 95 files when I've requested 100 files is a smoking gun to me.

Thanks again.



Michal Dichter
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of New Mexico
(860) 459-0956
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