[CIG-SHORT] (no subject)

serenade a serenade_25 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 14 06:36:07 PDT 2017

Dear All,

I have a question about linear interpolation. In my 3D model, the nearest interpolation is working well for the material properties. However, when I run the same model with linear interpolation, I am getting the following error.  How can I correct this error? Thank you in advance for your time.

RuntimeError: Could not find parameters for physical properties at (  567328  4.51197e+06  -938.42) in material 'Upper crust material' using spatial database 'Properties for upper crust'.

SimpleDB {
  num-values = 3 // number of material property values
  value-names =  density vs vp // names of the material property values
  value-units =  kg/m**3  m/s  m/s // units
  num-locs = 34738 // number of locations
  data-dim = 3
  space-dim = 3
  cs-data = cartesian {
    to-meters = 1.0
    space-dim = 3
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