[CIG-SHORT] CSEC benchmarks pylith files on Github?

Ekaterina Bolotskaya bolee at mit.edu
Wed Oct 25 15:58:48 PDT 2017

Dear developers,

I'm failing to find pylith files (I'm looking here: https://github.com/geodynamics/pylith_benchmarks) that were used to obtain the results shown here http://scecdata.usc.edu/cvws/cgi-bin/cvws.cgi

Also is that correct that there's just one pylith rate-and-state friction benchmark on the SCEC website (http://scecdata.usc.edu/cvws/cgi-bin/cvws.cgi): tpv102 - Rate-state friction, ageing law, half-space?

I'm also looking at step06 in examples/2d/subduction and step14 in examples/3d/hex8. Are there any more rate-and-state friction examples I can look at? Espesially m-scale (rather than km-scale) ones, as my m-scale rate-and-state simulation is not converging and I thing scaling might be one of the problems (I'm using appropriate normalizer.length_scale).

(My simulation is 2D, 2m by 3m, trilateral mesh, buried fault with rate and state friction in the middle, I'm fixing vertical displacement along all boundaries and applying compression in both x and y direction and shear traction rates).


Best regards,
Ekaterina Bolotskaya

PhD in Geophysics,
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science Department,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
E-mail. bolee at mit.edu
Mob. +1 (857) 284-2805<tel:%2B1%20%28857%29%20284-2805>
         +7 (963) 995-36-33<tel:%2B7%20%28963%29%20995-36-33>
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