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  • Created 05 Jan 2021

2014-2015 Work Plans

Version 2
by (unknown)
Version 3
by (unknown)

Deletions or items before changed

Additions or items after changed

1 == Work Plan 2014-2015 ==
3 ==== Software Development ====
5 * Continue !PyLith development (see CIG !PyLith Notes)
6 * Establish interaction with the Seismology Working Group on meshing issues
7 ==== Community Activities ====
9 * Provide training via virtual workshops
10 * Continue development of a !PyLith wiki to complement the cig-short email list and !PyLith manual.
11 * Continue series of in-person workshops on biannual basis (even years).
13 ==== Software Development ====
15 * Inversion framework for geodetic, seismic, and combined inversions.
18 * Observationally constrained and internally consistent physics for the entire seismic cycle
19 * Observationally constrained and internally consistent physics for tectonics of magmatic systems, geothermal systems, the cryosphere, and induced seismicity from fluid injection
20 * Observationally constrained modeling of crustal deformation associated with surface loads
21 == Past Activity ==
22 === 2013-2014 ===
23 -
[/events/details/44 Crustal Deformation Modeling Workshop], June 17-24, Stanford University. This onsite workshop was combined with an online introduction and help session prior to the workshop. During the workshop advanced tutorials covered !Pylith, Cubit/Trelis and ParaView. Science talks focused on post-seismic deformation and stress and strain in the lithosphere over the earthquake cycle. More information can be found under the conference website.
[/events/details/44 Crustal Deformation Modeling Workshop], June 17-24, Stanford University. This onsite workshop was combined with an online introduction and help session prior to the workshop. During the workshop advanced tutorials covered !Pylith, Cubit/Trelis and !ParaView. Science talks focused on post-seismic deformation and stress and strain in the lithosphere over the earthquake cycle. More information can be found under the conference website.
25 '''Code Release: !Pylith 2.0.''' This release replaced the C++ Sieve implementation of finite-element data structures with C !DMPlex implementation, which provides tighter integration with other PETSc data structures. This also reduced memory use and greatly improved memory balancing while providing speed improvements in some parts of the code. During the development of this release, the source repository migrated from Subversion to Git.