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Distinguished Speaker

The CIG Speakers Series seeks to promote computational modeling in geodynamics and related earth science disciplines. Speakers are drawn from a diverse pool of experts with exceptional capability to communicate the power of computation for understanding the dynamic forces that shape the surface and operate in the interior of our planet. Lectures are aimed at a broad scientific audience suitable for departmental or university colloquia series, and similar venues. Institutions with strong math and computational science departments or with diverse populations that are underrepresented in STEM are encouraged to apply.

Two speakers are selected each academic year with each scientist committing to 2-3 trips.  We encourage two or more institutions in the same region to propose lectures that can be combined into a single trip. We strongly seek to engage underserved students and undergraduate-focused institutions in the U.S.


  • To increase awareness of computational geophysics and computational sciences as a career by bringing dynamic scientific talks to new audiences.
  • To bring computational geodynamics speakers to institutions that may not otherwise have access to speakers with expertise in computational science or computational geophysics.
  • To connect speakers and CIG with audiences from a variety of STEM domains, and to broaden participation in CIG.
  • To work toward building a more diverse community within computational geodynamics. 

Information for Speakers and Nominators 

Information for Hosting Institutions   APPLY BY July 31, 2024 CLOSED


Information for Speakers and Nominators


  • Submit your Nomination by February 28, 2024
  • Include the title of the proposed talk and a brief description, if known.
  • Describe your target audience if known. e.g. general public, departmental seminar, etc.
  • How does the nominee's experiences relate to the goals and mission of CIG?
    Does the nominee:
    • use a CIG code(s)?
    • use HPC for geophysics applications?
    • advance underlying algorithms used for computational geophysics?
    • discuss policy implications of computational geodynamics models?
    • apply CIG models to interpretation of data?

Nominations of others and self-nominations are both welcome.  

Submit applications, nominations and/or questions to our ticketing system.

Speakers should include in their talk:

  • A brief overview of the CIG program and software developed and disseminated by CIG. Slides will be provided by CIG.
  • How and why you use HPC in your research.
  • What led you into computational geoscience - a bit about your own career path.


  • Excellent, dynamic speakers who can give a compelling, accessible talk featuring exciting, CIG-relevant science.
  • Willing to represent CIG as an organization and willing to include discussion of career paths in their talk.
  • Commitment to making 2 to 3 trips in the 2024-2025 academic year, giving 2 to 4 talks.

Information for Hosting Institutions

The speaker will give a talk or colloquium on a topic in computational geophysics at your institution. Speakers will be available to meet with students and faculty during their visit. Transportation costs to the host institution (i.e. airfare) will be covered by CIG.  Host universities are expected to cover the cost of ground transportation, lodging, and meals. If your institution does not have a budget for external speakers, please contact us to discuss your additional support needs.   

2024-2025 SPEAKERS

Geodynamics of early crust formation: Constraints on Earth’s long-term tectonic and thermal evolution
Brad Foley, Pennsylvania State University

  • Colorado State University Fort Collins
  • University of Nevada Reno
  • virtual National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Changing ice in a warming climate: a data-driven approach
Ching-Yao Lai, Stanford University

  • March 27, 2025 University of Kansas
  • University of New Mexico

[speaker info]


Priority will be given to institutions and institutions which partner with those that:

  • Enhance the geographic diversity of the program in the United States.
  • Serve diverse populations that are underrepresented in STEM and in computational geosciences specifically, including minority-serving institutions, HBCUs, HSIs, and women’s colleges.
  • Undergraduate-focused institutions and institutions that are not currently active in CIG.
  • Institutions for whom the topic will be novel.

We welcome applications from a range of disciplines in mathematics and physical sciences including, but not limited to, computer science, geology, physics, and mathematics.

For full consideration, apply before July 31, 2024. CLOSED 

Apply by submitting a ticket with the following in the first line: SPEAKER SERIES HOST INSTITUTION APPLICATION