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Contribute Code

CIG develops, supports and disseminates open source software for the geodynamics research community. As such, software must meet community standards and be within the scope of the organization to be accepted. CIG supports a contributed code by providing a software landing page, supporting the authors in modernizing their software development process, and meeting best practices.

By contributing codes to CIG, researchers keep their authorship and copyright, but expose their code to a wider audience and provide provenance for published research.  This helps to prevent duplication of effort, clarifies methodology, ensures a citeable resource, and aids the community interested in similar problems.

All CIG software is hosted under a version controlled Git repository at

CIG uses Zenodo for long-term preservation of its community code. All domain relevant software and software products are welcome to join our Zenodo community - Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics

Thinking about contributing code? Review the contribution checklist first.


All CIG software, contributed or developed in-house, is expected to meet the following criteria:

  • Domain Relevance. All CIG software should solve problems relevant for the CIG community in geodynamics, seismology or related fields. The methods used should be peer-reviewed and published in a scientific journal (CIG can support new projects in this process).
  • Open Source License. All CIG software is published under an open source license as described in our licensing policy and freely available via the CIG website.
  • Best practices. All CIG software projects follow a set of modern software development techniques and continually try to improve their workflow as described in the CIG best practices.


We recommend contacting us before starting the process to discuss individual steps and the review process. Contributed codes are reviewed by the Science Steering Committee whose recommendations are forwarded to the Executive Committee. If approved, CIG will provide consulting and limited resources in preparing software to meet CIG best practices.  At such time, a software record will be created  and the package available for download through its hosted landing page.  CIG will continue to maintain the code at the accepted service level unless otherwise warranted at which time its status may change.


For further questions and instructions, please contact support at: