Current and Future Computational Geoscience Directions: Successes & Failures
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Allan Levander, Michael Ritzwoller, Jeroen Tromp, Michael Wyssession
Current and Future Computational Geoscience Directions: Successes & Failures. March 30-31, 2009. Allen Levander.
Data Assimilation: One Perspective, Some Examples
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Gary Egbert
Data Assimilation: One Perspective, Some Examples. March 30-31, 2009. Gary Egbert.
Education and Training
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Education and Training. March 30-31, 2009. Brad Aagaard.
European Training Programmes in Computational Seismology
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Heiner Igel
European Training Programmes in Computational Seismology. March 30-31, 2009. Heiner Igel.
Farallon Subduction Reconstructed by Inverse Dynamic Models: Stratigraphy Verifications and Geophysical implications
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Lijun Liu, Sonja Spasojevic, Michael Gurnis
Farallon Subduction Reconstructed by Inverse Dynamic Models: Stratigraphy Verifications and Geophysical implications. March 30-31, 2009. Lijun Liu, Sonja Spasojevic, Michael Gurnis.
Fault strength evolution during the seismic cycle: Insights from the laboratory
10 Mar 2023 | Contributor(s): John Bedford
Geophysical evidence suggests that some faults are frictionally strong, in agreement with laboratory measurements of quasi-static frictional strength (μ ≈ 0.6-0.8) for many crustal materials; whereas others studies have found that some faults are weak when compared to laboratory friction...
Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic observables to mantle anisotropy based upon adjoint methods
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Anne Sieminski, Qinya Liu, Jeannot Trampert, Jeroen Tromp
Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic observables to mantle anisotropy based upon adjoint methods. October 9-11, 2007. Anne Sieminski, Qinya Liu, Jeannot Trampert, Jeroen Tromp.
Going Beyond an Elastic Halfspace
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Mark Simons, Eric Hetland, Mark Turner
Going Beyond an Elastic Halfspace - CIG Short-Term Crustal Dynamics. October 16-18, 2006. Mark Simons, Eric Hetland, and Mark Turner.
Grid Refinement and Parallel computing for mantle convection and Thermochemical Convection
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Scott King, Peter van Keken
Grid Refinement and Parallel computing for mantle convection and Thermochemical Convection. October 16-18, 2006. Scott King, Peter van Keken.
Ground Motion Modeling of the 1906 Earthquake and Other Large Events on the Northern San Andreas Fault
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Mary Lou Zoback
Ground Motion Modeling of the 1906 Earthquake and Other Large Events on the Northern San Andreas Fault. October 9-11, 2007. Brad Aagaard, Thomas Brocher, David Dolenc, Douglas Dreger, Robert Graves, Stephen Harmsen, Stephen Hartzell, Mary Lou...
hypre - High Performance Preconditioners
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Robert Falgout
hypre - High Performance Preconditioners. October 16-18, 2006. Robert Falgout.
Improving Scalability of Sparse Direct Linear Solvers
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): X. Sherry Li
Improving Scalability of Sparse Direct Linear Solvers. October 16-18, 2006. X. Sherry Li.
Influence of Dynamic Topography on Sea Level and its Rate of Change
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Clinton P. Conrad, Laurent Husson
Influence of Dynamic Topography on Sea Level and its Rate of Change. March 30-31, 2009. Clinton P. Conrad, Laurent Husson.
Investigating Surface-wave Propagation Using Spectral Element Method
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Kui Liu, Youyi Ruan, Ying Zhou
Investigating Surface-wave Propagation Using Spectral Element Method. March 30-31, 2009. Kui Liu, Youyi Ruan, Ying Zhou.
Linking CitcomS and SPECFEM3D
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Eh Tan, Leif Strand
Linking CitcomS and SPECFEM3D. March 30-31, 2009. Eh Tan, Leif Strand.
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): T. Ehlers
Long Term Tectonics Discussion Points. March 30-31, 2009. T. Ehlers.
Long-term tectonics: from nanometer to global scale
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Magali Billen
Long-term tectonics: from nanometer to global scale. March 30-31, 2009. Magali Billen.
Magma Dynamics
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Anonymous
Magma Dynamics. March 30-31, 2009.
Magma Dynamics at CIG
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Laurent G. J. Montési, Marc Spiegelman, Steve Quenette, David Lee, Wolfgang Bangerth
Magma Dynamics at CIG. March 30-31, 2009. Laurent G. J. Montési.
Mantle Convection
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): C. Conrad
Mantle Convection. March 30-31, 2009. C. Conrad.
Mantle Convection Education & Training Activities
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Magali Billen
Mantle Convection Education & Training Activities. March 30-31, 2009. Magali Billen.
Mesh Generation for Geological Applications
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Carl Gable
Mesh Generation for Geological Applications: Why it is Different Than Planes, Trains and Automobiles. October 16-18, 2006. Carl Gable.
Micro-to-Macro-Scale Modeling: Predictive Modeling and Simulation of High-Energy Density Dynamic Response of Materials
01 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Michael Aivazis
Micro-to-Macro-Scale Modeling: Predictive Modeling and Simulation of High-Energy Density Dynamic Response of Materials. March 30-31, 2009. Michael Aivazis.
Modeling Geophysical Mass Flows – Mesh(Free), Model and Parameter Adaptivity
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Abani Patra
Modeling Geophysical Mass Flows – Mesh(Free), Model and Parameter Adaptivity. October 16-18, 2006. Abani Patra.
Modeling the geodynamo: Successes and challenges
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Moritz Heimpel
Modeling the geodynamo: Successes and challenges. October 16-18, 2006. Moritz Heimpel.
Multi-scale issues and two scale homogenization solutions for the direct and inverse problem in seismology.
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Y. Capdeville, L. Guillot, J. J. Marigo
Multi-scale issues and two scale homogenization solutions for the direct and inverse problem in seismology. October 9-11, 2007. Y. Capdeville, L. Guillot, J.J. Marigo.
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): C. Norton
Multiscale/Multiphysics. March 30-31, 2009. C. Norton.
Numerical Modeling of Physical Processes occuring during the Spontaneous Propagation of 3-D Earthquake Ruptures.
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Andrea Bizzarri
Numerical Modeling of Physical Processes occuring during the Spontaneous Propagation of 3-D Earthquake Ruptures. October 9-11, 2007. Andrea Bizzarri.
Octrees in Computational Seismology
14 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): David O’Hallaron
Octrees in Computational Seismology. October 9-11, 2007. David O’Hallaron.
Overview of the High-Order ADER-DG Method for Numerical Seismology
18 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Martin Käser, Michael Dumbser, Josep de la Puente, Verena Hermann, Cristobal Castro
Overview of the High-Order ADER-DG Method for Numerical Seismology. October 9-11, 2007. Martin Käser, Michael Dumbser, Josep de la Puente, Verena Hermann, Cristobal Castro.
Plate Boundary Dynamics
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Anonymous
Plate Boundary Dynamics. March 30-31, 2009.
Plumbing the Depths: Computational Challenges for Magma Dynamics in Earth Sciences
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Marc Spiegelman, Richard Katz
Plumbing the Depths: Computational Challenges for Magma Dynamics in Earth Sciences. October 16-18, 2006. Marc Spiegelman, Richard Katz.
Rayleigh and Love wave tomography of the western United States from ambient seismic noise using US Array
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Fan-Chi Lin, Morgan Moschetti, Michael Ritzwoller
Rayleigh and Love wave tomography of the western United States from ambient seismic noise using US Array. October 9-11, 2007. Fan-Chi Lin, Morgan P. Moschetti, and Michael H. Ritzwoller.
Scalable Techniques for Scientific Visualization
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Claudio Silva
Scalable Techniques for Scientific Visualization. October 16-18, 2006. Claudio Silva.
Science goals: 3-5 years from now
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Anonymous
Science goals: 3-5 years from now. March 30-31, 2009.
Scientific and computational challenges in simulating fluid-rock interaction
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Mousumi Roy
Scientific and computational challenges in simulating fluid-rock interaction and its role in the long-term tectonics of continental lithosphere. October 16-18, 2006.Mousumi Roy.
Seismology: Multiple-Scale Imaging
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Alan Levander
Seismology: Multiple-Scale Imaging. March 30-31, 2009. Alan Levander.
ShakeOut and its effects in Los Angeles and Oxnard areas
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman, Ricardo Taborda, Julio López, John Urbanic, Jacobo Bielak, David O'Hallaron
ShakeOut and its effects in Los Angeles and Oxnard areas. October 9-11, 2007. Leonardo Ramírez-Guzmán, Ricardo Taborda, Julio López, John Urbanic, Jacobo Bielak and David O’Hallaron.
Short-Term Tectonics Science
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Short-Term Tectonics Science. March 30-31, 2009. Brad Aagaard.
Software, complexity & reuse... Robust -to- experimental codes for geodynamics
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Steve Quenette
Software, complexity & reuse... Robust -to- experimental codes for geodynamics. March 30-31, 2009. Steve Quenette.
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): David Michéa
SPECFEM3D_GLOBE. October 9-11, 2007. David Michéa.
Spectral-Element and Adjoint Methods in Seismology
11 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Jeroen Tromp
Spectral-Element and Adjoint Methods in Seismology. October 16-18, 2006. Jeroen Tromp.
Steering Geodynamics Models with Plate Tectonics Reconstruction Software: GPlates
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Mark Turner, Mike Gurnis, Lydia DiCaprio, James Boyden, James Clark, John Cannon, Dietmar Muller, Robin Watson, Trond Torsvik
Steering Geodynamics Models with Plate Tectonics Reconstruction Software: GPlates. March 30-31, 2009. Mike Turner, Mike Gurnis, Lydia Di Caprio, James Boyden, James Clark, Joh Cannon, Dietmar Muller, Robin Watson, Trond Torsvik.
Stress Evolution and Fault Interactions before and after the 2008 Great Wenchuan Earthquake
02 Apr 2021 | Contributor(s): Gang Luo, Mian Liu
Stress Evolution and Fault Interactions before and after the 2008 Great Wenchuan Earthquake. March 30-31, 2009. Gang Luo, Mian Liu.
Synthetic seismograms for stagnant slab model
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Seiji Tsuboi, H. Sugioka, M. Obayashi, Y. Fukao, Yuan Gao
Synthetic seismograms for stagnant slab model. October 9-11, 2007. Seiji Tsuboi, H. Sugioka, M. Obayashi, Y. Fukao, Yuan Gao.
Trilinos Overview
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Roscoe Bartlett
Trilinos Overview. October 16-18, 2006. Roscoe Bartlett.
Using multi-cycle earthquake simulations to understand crustal dynamics
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Brad Aagaard
Using multi-cycle earthquake simulations to understand crustal dynamics. October 16-18, 2006. Brad Aagaard.
Wave propagation in highly complex models
24 Jan 2021 | Contributor(s): Heiner Igel, Marco Stupazzini, Christoph Moder, Martin Kaser, Josep de la Puente
Wave propagation in highly complex models: grid generation–local time stepping-parallelization. October 16-18, 2006. Heiner Igel, Martin Käser, Josepde la Puente, Marco Stupazzini, Christoph Moder.
Wave Propagation Project (WPP): A New Open-Source Tool Supporting Computational Seismology at LLNL
17 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Arthur Rodgers
Wave Propagation Project (WPP): A New Open-Source Tool Supporting Computational Seismology at LLNL. October 9-11, 2007. Arthur Rodgers.