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Events (1-3 of 3)

  1. Sep 15 2008

    2008 CIG Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Solid Earth Geosciences

    CIG sponsored a workshop on Sept. 15-17, 2008, in Santa Fe, NM, to bring together solid-earth geoscientists, mathematicians, and computational and computer scientists to focus on specific issues...

  2. Oct 24 2007

    2007 AMR Tutorial Workshop

    In order to jump-start development on a new generation of AMR-enabled geodynamics codes, CIG's Science Steering Committee hosted a tutorial workshop on Oct 24-27 in Boulder, CO, devoted to the...

  3. Oct 16 2006

    2006 Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities at the Interfaces of Scientific Computing and Computational Geodynamics

    This two-day workshop held at the University of Texas at Austin on October 16-17, 2006, brought together computational geodynamicists and scientific computing experts to identify and assess...