Welcome to Geodynamics FORGE, the tool development area of Geodynamics. The following pages are maintained by the various owners of each tool. Many of these tools are available as Open Source, and you can download the code via Subversion from this site. Some tools are closed source at the request of the authors, and only a restricted development team has access to the code. See each tool page for details.
Title | Alias | Status |
ASPECT | aspect | open source |
ASPECT Virtual Desktop | aspectdesktop | open source |
ASPECT Jupyter Notebooks | aspectnotebook | open source |
AVNI Jupyter Notebooks | avninotebooks | open source |
BurnMan Jupyter Tutorial | burnmannote | open source |
BurnMan Jupyter Notebook | burnmannotebook | open source |
Jupyter Notebook (2020) | jupyter70 | closed source |
Jupyter Lab (2020) | jupyterlab70 | closed source |
Lorraine Test | lorrainetest1 | open source |
Rayleigh Jupyter Notebooks | rayleighnote | open source |
RStudio | rstudio | closed source |
Fundamentals of Solid Earth Science | solidearth | open source |
specfem2dnotebook | specfem2d | open source |
Development Workspace (Debian 10) | workspace10 | closed source |