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Elections 2013

2013 Nominating Committee

  • Peter Olson, Chair, Johns Hopkins University
  • Mousumi Roy, University of New Mexico
  • Peter van Keken, University of Michigan

2013 Slate of Candidates


*** Vote for 3 candidates

David Bercovici Website 
My interests in serving the CIG are to see it take an expanded role exploring new frontiers of theoretical geophysics that have yet to find their way into community models. This involves, for example, implementing new physics into geodynamic models that have arisen form efforts in other communities, like mineral physics. Perhaps even more importantly, I hope to see that CIG training and education, such as through workshops, covers not just model use but also scientific areas and questions that are poorly understood, and hence are fertile ground for the next generation of scientists. My own interests and experience in theoretical geophysics range over mantle and lithosphere dynamics, magma dynamics and volcano physics, and issues in energy and carbon sequestration.

Bruce Buffet Website 
CIG promotes research in geodynamics by providing advanced computational tools to a broad group of researchers. Ongoing collaborations with computational scientists should ensure that these tools keep pace with advances in hardware. I have previously been involved with CIG as a member, and later the Chair, of the Science Steering Committee. I was also a member of the Proposal Writing Committee for the renewal of CIG. I am currently a member of the Geodynamo Working Group, and worked with collaborator and former postdoc, Hiroaki Matsui, to provide a new numerical geodynamo model to the community. The new geodynamo model, called Calypso, was released by CIG in September, 2013.

Claire Currie Website 
I have been actively involved in CIG as a co-chair of the Long Term Tectonics working group, and I was part of the organizing committee for the 2012 CIG Mantle Convection and Lithosphere Dynamics workshop. I am also helping to organize two upcoming CIG meetings in 2014. My main research interests are in using computer modeling codes to study the dynamics of the lithosphere and mantle, with focus on subduction zones and orogenic processes. 

Carl Gable Website 

I have been involved with CIG since the earliest days having served a one year term on the first CIG Executive Committee. At that time considerable effort went into developing the bylaws and governance structure of CIG as well as setting out the scientific goals. My involvement in CIG's scientific efforts have mostly been with the long-term tectonics and short-term crustal dynamics community for whom I hosted two of the crustal deformation workshops at Los Alamos National Lab. and helped plan and participated in a series of yearly workshops that followed in Golden CO. My early work was in the geodynamics/mantle convection area but the majority of my current work is in mesh generation and model setup for geologic applications applied to computational flow and transport in porous media. I am group leader of the Computational Earth Science group in the Earth & Environmental Sciences division at Los Alamos National Lab.

Michael Wysession Website 
I am a seismologist who focuses on mantle structure, composition, and dynamics. I work in a combination of global and regional projects, and am currently involved with an IRIS PASSCAL deployment of seismometers in Madagascar and an EarthScope deployment of seismometers in Minnesota and Wisconsin. I am also involved with national science literacy and education.


*** Vote for 2 candidates

Brad Aagaard Website 
I am interested in helping CIG continue to meet the needs of the various working groups while fostering greater interaction among the groups in order to improve code design and end-user modeling workflow, and better leverage common techniques, algorithms and tools. I served a term on the SSC at the beginning of CIG I and rotated off to let other members of the community lead CIG forward. I would welcome another opportunity to serve the CIG community on the SSC.  

Tim Ahern Website 
This year will be my 25th year with IRIS as the Director of Data Services. During my tenure with IRIS I have worked very closely with the scientific community to set priorities, find solutions to their problems, and make scientists more efficient in their research. I have strong links with EarthCube and serve as the PI on an EarthCube Building Blocks project that leverages web services as a primary mechanism for scientists to incorporate models and observational data into scientific workflows, and I know this is relevant for the CIG community as well. 
One of the more recent challenges confronting IRIS is how to put our data holdings close to High Performance Computing facilities. We have taken our first step with the creation of the first IRIS Auxiliary Data Center at Lawrence Livermore National Labs. I believe this new direction is very synergistic with the efforts of CIG and should allow strong collaborations with DOE labs in the future. 
I would be interested to serve on the CIG Science Steering Committee to help build connections between CIG, IRIS, EarthScope, and EarthCube.

Mark Behn Website 
My research interests include long-term lithospheric deformation, mantle flow, and melting and melt migration in the mantle. I would like to see CIG work toward the development of a 3-D long-term tectonics code that couples lithospheric deformation with melt transport over a range of spatial and temporal scales. 

Clint Conrad Website 
I have been using CIG codes (mostly CitComS) to advance our understanding of mantle and lithosphere dynamics since the beginning of CIG. If elected, I will happily work toward advancing the utility of CIG codes for the growing number of CIG users and their scientific applications.

Rowena Lohmnan Website 
As someone who has benefited greatly from CIG's commitment to the development, maintenance and documentation of software, I feel very strongly that the organization should continue to receive support from the community and funding agencies. CIG is poised to play a leading role in the development of initiatives such as EarthCube, and I'd like to see better linkages between the software packages and potential data sources (satellite imagery, geodetic data, etc.).