- 28 May 2015
- 12:00 AM PDT
- 11:59 PM PDT
Category: Hackathon
You are invited to apply to attend the second ASPECT hackathon in Bodega, California on May 19-30, 2015. To further the development of the mantle convection code ASPECT and its user community, current users and developers of ASPECT will be working side-by-side over this 12 day...
- 2:00 PM PDT
- 3:00 PM PDT
Category: Webinars
Arben Pitarka, Ph.D., Douglas Dodge, Ph.D, Steven Magana-Zook, & Stanley Ruppert, Ph.D. Lawrence Livermore National Lab We begin with an overview of current projects at LLNL on source and ground motion simulation using HPC. In the second part of the talk, we will...