- 24 Jun 2016
- 12:00 AM PDT
- 11:59 PM PDT
Category: Hackathon
You are invited to apply to attend the third ASPECT Hackathon in Davis, California beginning on June 23, 2016. To further the development of the mantle convection code ASPECT and its user community, current users and developers of ASPECT will be working side-by-side over an...
- 8:00 AM PDT
- 12:00 PM PDT
Category: Workshop
In this tutorial we present SPECFEM3D package, which simulates seismic wave propagation in three-dimensional mediums. Two versions of the package are specifically designed to simulate seismic wave propagation at different scales: “Cartesian” version for local simulations and...
- 1:00 PM PDT
- 4:00 PM PDT
Category: Workshop
This workshop gives a hands-on introduction to the parallel seismic wave propagation code SW4 (Seismic Waves, 4th order). This code solves the seismic wave equations in displacement formulation using a node-based finite difference approach that satisfies the principle of summation by...