Events: Details

2005 Community Finite Element Models for Fault Systems and Tectonic Modeling

Summary on Plans for Future Workshops

 Discussion led by Mark Simons on priorities for future workshops.

Meeting location options

  • Lake Tahoe
  • Boulder, CO
  • Snowbird, Utah

Meeting content and format

  • Less tutorial-oriented than present meeting.
  • Ratio of talk time to tinker time
    • Ratio seems about right, but possibly make sure that everyone has the software they need installed at the beginning of the meeting.
    • Possibly have a format that includes talks in the morning and tinker time in the afternoon.
  • Meeting length. Does 3.5 days seem about right?
    • One possibility is to have a whole week, possibly with an optional 5th day.
  • Benchmarks.
    • Mechanism for evaluating benchmark results.
    • Need to compile results for comparison.
    • Someone needs to be in charge of keeping the benchmark process moving forward.
      • Charles Williams is willing to spearhead the benchmark effort, but will need to delegate responsibilities.
      • Need to create a matrix of benchmarks, codes, and people planning to run them.
  • Science.
    • New constitutive relationships - discussions of what is needed.
      • Poroelasticity.
    • Geologic complexity. How important are variations?
    • Visitors to discuss other science aspects.
      • Other CIG groups. This could be related to the idea of time-scale coupling.
      • Inverse theory/optimization.
      • Structural geology and/or rock mechanics.
    • Data driving the computations. How model feedback could influence the planning for future observations.
    • Case studies. Examples might include Parkfield, Landers, seismic cyle studies, etc.
  • Presentations for commercial packages. It would be best to have someone from the community do this rather than a company representative.

Workshop Planning Committee

  • Goal of workshop is to enable people to do modeling, not to just present results.
  • Don't want to duplicate another meeting/workshop.
  • Workshop "wing" of CIG?
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