You are here: Home / Events / 2014 / 02 / 24 / Science Steering Committee Meeting / Minutes

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Science Steering Committee Meeting

This meeting focused on discussing the current draft of the new Strategic Plan (the planning document resulting from the leadership retreat in late January) and accepting AxiSEM as donated code. IRIS is building a portal to AxiSEM, so ongoing coordination between IRIS and CIG will be important to ensure IRIS is providing access to the current release and version information is consistent. The SSC also discussed at what stage CIG might highlight donation of AxiSEM and concluded it should not be highlighted until there was an assessment of its current capabilities and workflow.

  • The committee requested that CIG staff continue adding in more material from the Jan leadership retreat before the SSC provides more detailed suggestions for revision.
  • The SSC voted to accept AxiSEM as donated code.
  • The SSC is interested in receiving feedback on user's experiences with AxiSEM, especially the workflow for setting up and running simulations.
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