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2017 Project Jupyter for the geosciences

Category: Webinars

Ian Rose, UC Berkeley

As the results of scientific computing become more central in the geosciences, we have been confronted with a series of challenges that were not necessarily obvious from the outset. How does one ensure that the process by which the geoscientist arrives at a result is transparent and reproducible? What are the most effective ways to communicate a computational result? How does one teach computational geoscience to students?

Project Jupyter is a suite of tools for scientists and educators which helps to address these questions. Here I demonstrate the Jupyter (formerly IPython) notebook, which allows one to combine prose, equations, code, and the outputs of code, all in the same computational environment. Jupyter notebooks run in a web browser, which allows it to leverage the rich rendering capabilities of the modern web environment, including images, tables, audio, and video. It also has the ability to instrument code with interactive user interface elements like sliders and buttons, allowing for more user friendly interaction with scientific software.

I also discuss some more advanced usage, including JupyterHub deployments for use in the classroom. The web-based nature of the notebook allows teachers to serve notebooks to students over the internet. This allows students to learn programming in a custom environment without having to install or configure anything. This ability to serve computing environments could also be leveraged by an organization such as CIG to disseminate and advocate for software in the geosciences. [slides on github]

[All 2016-17 webinars] [YouTube]

When: Thursday 09 February, 2017, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm PST
Where: virtual
  1. Rose
  2. webinar
  3. 2017
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