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Events: Details

2022 CIG Developers Workshop

All Times are Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Day 1 - Monday February 28

8:00 Welcome 10 min

8:10 Session I: CIG Best practices 90 min

8:10 Brief Review of CIG Best Practices for Software - Rene Gassmoeller, University of Florida
8:20 Journal of Open Source: Developing a Software Review Community [pdf] - Daniel S. Katz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8:40 Discussion on JOSS and CIG Best Practices for software - Moderator, Rene Gassmoeller
9:00 Updates to CIG Best Practices:
  • Usage of VS Code and Docker for training - Brad Aagaard, US Geological Survey
  • Continuous Integration using Azure Pipelines - Brad Aagaard, US Geological Survey
  • Online Documentation with Sphinx - Menno Fraters, UC Davis
9:20 Discussion - Moderators, Rene Gassmoeller and Lorraine Hwang

09:40 Break 30 min

10:10 Session II: HPC Frameworks 90 min

10:10 Kokkos - A Brief Overview [pdf]- Christian Trott, Sandia National Laboratories
10:40 GPU Support in deal.II [pdf] - Bruno Turcksin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
10:55 Using GPUs with PETSc [pdf]- Patrick Sanan, ETH Zurich
11:10 Discussion - What is the best path for using accelerated architectures? Moderator, Juliane Dannberg

11:40 End of Day

Day 2 - Tuesday March 1

8:00 Recap of Day 1 10 min

8:10 Session III: Building Containers for HPC 50 min

8:10 Building Portable Containers for HPC [pdf] - Shane Canon, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
8:40    Discussion - Moderator, Jed Brown

9:00 Session IV: SCOPED 30 min

9:00   SCOPED: Introduction and Project Updated Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery [pdf] - Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks and Ian Wang, the University of Texas at Austin.
9:20  Discussion - Moderator, Shi Joyce Sim

9:30 Break 30 min

10:00 Session V: Bayesian Inference 40 min

10:00  HIPPYlib: An Extensible Software Framework for Large-Scale Inverse Problems Governed by PDEs [pdf] -  Umberto Villa, Washington University, St. Louis
10:20  Discussion - Moderator, Ebru Bozdag

10:40 Summary Discussion

11:00 End of Day

Day 3 -  Friday March 4

8:00 Follow-up I: Forming new working groups 60 min

9:00 Follow-up II: Organizing a machine learning workshop 60 min


last updated 2022 March 8

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