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Venus through time: building coupled evolution models for rocky planets

Category: Webinars

Cedric Gillmann, ETH Zurich

Venus is the closest analog to Earth we are likely to find. However, despite its many similarities with our planet, our neighbor exhibits critical differences at present-day, none more obvious than its inimical surface conditions. Its surface temperature of about 740 K is caused by a massive 92 bar CO2 atmosphere. One of the major challenges in recent comparative planetology has been to understand precisely how those two relatively similar planets could lead to diverging evolutionary pathways. This question is capital when it comes to our grasp of what makes or breaks planetary habitability. It has further application to exoplanetary studies since Venus is a perfect laboratory to test models against more observational data than will ever be available regarding planets orbiting distant stars. 

Here, we will review the current state of our knowledge of Venus, its evolution and the processes that can affect surface conditions and the atmosphere. We will focus on volatile exchanges between the interior of the planet, its surface, and its atmosphere. We will then detail recent work on coupled models and how feedback mechanisms’ widespread influence contributes to the evolution of a rocky world. Finally, we will discuss further coupled aspects of planetary evolution that are generally not yet fully understood but will be necessary parts of future modelling attempts.

When: Thursday 22 February, 2024, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST
Where: zoom
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