2015 14th Int'l Mantle and Lithospheric Dynamics
Welcome to the XIV International Workshop on Modeling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics. This workshop series was initiated in 1987 in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, Germany, and has been followed by meetings every two years in various European countries. The last two workshops were held in Hønefoss, Norway, in 2013 and in Gross Doelln, Germany, in 2011.
The 2015 workshop will be held in Olérons Island, France. The meeting is co-sponsored by the Thematic Meeting Series of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), the International Lithosphere Program (ILP), the Institut des sciences de la Terre Paris (ISTeP, UPMC), and the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG).
Full meeting information and REGISTRATION is available through the meeting's official website.
The Workshop will consist of five plenary scientific sessions:
1. Mantle-lithospheric interactions
Claudio Faccenna, Roma III, Italy
Alexandre Koptev, UPMC, France
Taras Gerya, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
2. Strain localization in the crust and lithosphere
Frédéric Gueydan, U. Montpelier, France
Martha Perez Gussinye, RHUL, London, U.K.
Stefan Schmalholtz, U. Lausanne, Switzerland
3. Coupling physics linking time scales: new frontiers and problems
Ylonna van Dinther, ETH-Zurich Switzerland
Yuri Fialko, U.California San Diego USA
Gregory Houseman, U. Leeds , U.K
4. Dynamics of deep earth and planetary body
Saskia Goes, Imperial College, London, U.K.
Abigail L. Aller, CEEDS, Oslo, Norway
Patrick Cordier, U. Lille, France
5. Data assimilation, efficient solvers and homogenization
Jed Brown, Argone USA
Yann Capedeville, U. Nantes, France
Boris Kaus, U. Mainz , Germany
The workshop will bring together scientists from Europe and United States,
This workshop aims at bringing together young scientist and mid-late career researcher with long animated poster sessions and plenary discussion following keynote lecturesl
Travel support for early career U.S. scientist is available through CIG courtesy of the National Science Foundation. Please read Travel Support before applying. Support is available for U.S. based early career scientists only. Applications are now CLOSED. Travel awardees will be notified the first week of June.
Organizing Committee
Laetitia Le Pourhiet
Evgenii Burov
Jonas Ruh
Leila Mezri
Razwan Caracas
Chrystel Sanloup
Science Committee
Stephan Sobolev (GFZ)
Dave Stegman (UCSD)
Susanne Buiter (NGU-CEED)
Paul Tackley (ETH-z)
Stefane Labrosse (U. Lyon)
Trond Torsvick (CEED)